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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hello, Hi, Bye and See You Again ^^

It's been a while right?

I'm pretty busy with things around me lately... 
My brothers is home making me extra occupied.
Travelling around makes me out of reach...

And it won't stop here. 
Guess what?
I'm heading to Korea tomorrow. 
Oh yes, I'm shouting YEEEHAAAA!! LoL
Will be back after a week and I'll try to put up my thoughts on many things after I'm back.

So, wish me luck on my trip there.

Oh! before I forgot,
 this is the list of movies that I'm going to put up my thoughts when I'm back:

Sector 7
Meet The In-Laws
Paradise Kiss
Come Rain Come Shines
Little Girl K aka Killer Girl K


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