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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Eric Reveals His Thoughts on the Filming Spy Myung Wol

Finally, our 'Myung Wol The Spy' leading man Eric  expressed his thought via his twitter today. Now I know why people refer him as the great leader of Shinhwa. He is wise with his words. Some might agree and some might disagree with him. But for me it was clear now. 

극적인 화해라...명월씨가 출국하고나서 그래도 방송은 나가야하고 시청자와의 약속과 금전적인 계약서의 약속도 현실적으로 있기에 다시열심히 끝까지 잘마무리하자 모두화이팅을 했지만, 막상 이렇게 다시 아무렇지 않은척 촬영을 이어가는 모두의 마음은 편치않을듯 싶습니다. 여태 어느 신문사에도 이번사건에 대한 견해는 밝힌적이없지만, 제 견해에 대한 기사도 꽤 나갔더군요. 사실 이런 큰사건들에 관해서는 견해보단 사실들을 가지고 여러사람들이 자신들의 가치관에맞게 생각하시면 되고, 어느쪽이든 백프로의 선과 백프로의 악은 없다고봅니다. 가장 오해받는 사실들에대한 제가본입장들은, 쪽대본?없습니다. 작가님바뀌면서 미리찍어둔 싱가폴씬의 연결 개연성문제로 한두차례 수정씬대본 나온적은 있어도 매주 책대본으로 받아보고, 팀카페에선 더일찍도볼라면 볼수있습니다. 감독님 욕설로 인한 불화설? 감독님 항상 편하게말씀해주세요 해도 매순간 존대하십니다. 밤샘 촬영으로인한 명월씨의 노고. 사실입니다. 드라마초반에 힘들어 링겔맞고있어 촬영장좀 늦는다고 포토메일보낸적도있습니다. 스텝 성명서?사실입니다. 전스텝과 촬영장에서 어제그제 촬영한배우들은 사실인정하고 서명한걸로압니다. 아무래도 전국민이보는 신문이니 실명을적은 성명서는 공개하지않은듯합니다. 끝까지 서로 덮어주고 잘마무리했으면 좋았겠지만, 어쨌든 이렇게 공개된마당에 판단은 국민들의 몫이고 잘잘못따질 필요도없지만, 오해로인한 누명은 있어선안돼고, 그부분은 스텝들과 작가님의 오해입니다. 현장에서 매일 지켜본사람중 하나로써 증명될수있었음합니다. 제작 여건에관한 아쉬움은 모든스텝과 배우들과 마찬가지로 저역시 아쉬운점입니다. 제 견해를 한번 말씀드리자면, 제작환경개선이 누구를 위해서인가?가 먼저 설정되어야할것입니다. 이미 자기일에대한 보수를받고있는 상황에서 "내"가 편하고자함인가. 함께고생하고 적은 월급으로 배우들보다 많은시간 고생하는"스텝"들을 위해서인가. 미래에 "후배"들이 편하게 일하게해주기위함인가. 이세가지가 될수있겠네요. 많은 분들이 사전제작을 얘기하지만, 현실적으로 제작비나 편성문제로인해 쉬운문제는 아닙니다. 사전제작되어도 편성되지못해 손해보는 드라마들이 많습니다. 저역시 미래의 후배들이 좋은 여건속에서 촬영했으면 하는마음은있지만, 사실 매일 살부딫히는 동생들같은 때론 형님들같은 스텝들이 누군지모르는 제 미래의"후배"보단 제 견해로썬 더 소중합니다. 현실적으로 제가 고위층 방송관계자가되던, 제작사를 차려 손해볼각오하고 제작하지않는이상, 또는 그런 천사같은분이 나오지않는이상 고쳐지기힘든부분 임을알기에, 힘없는 배우로썬 그저 현장에서의 위로와, 때론 팀 단체복같은 선물, 혹은 회식대접 등등 더많은돈을받고 같이고생해서 일하는입장에선 그런성의를 보이는것외에는 많은 선택의여지가 없다고 생각됩니다. 저 역시 많은 작품들을 경험해봤다고 말하기엔 이르지만, 분명 지금이 내연기인생에서 최악의 여건은 아닙니다. 하물며 저와는 비교도할수없을 만큼 많은 작품과 경험이있으신 이순재선생님의 발언과 현장의 이덕화선배님의 조언을 듣고자면, 더 힘든것들을 겪으신 지금의 저보다 훨씬 대단하셨던 당대최고의 연기선배님들앞에서, 감히 개혁을 외치기엔 제자신은 너무 작습니다. 윗분들도 좀더 현장의 소리에 귀기울여 주셨으면 합니다. 한인간의 과오를 덮어주는건 분명 신실한일이지만, 용기있게 그 잘못을 지적해 바로잡아주지않거나, 그과오로인해 아직도 피흘리고있는 그들의 목소리를 외면한다면, 그건 그사람의 실수의"용서"가아니라 "용납"이될것입니다.


A dramatic reconciliation…? We all came together and pushed ourselves to work hard after Miss Myeongwol left the country, for the three reasons that the drama had to go on, it was like a promise with our viewers, and there was the reality of our monetary contracts. But now, I think no one will feel very comfortable knowing that we will have to go back to shooting the drama like nothing happened. I’ve never talked with any newspaper about my views, but I saw a lot of articles writing about them.

Actually, in large incidents like this, I believe that, rather than reveal my views on the matter, it is better to let the public judge the facts according to their own values, and also that there is no one purely good or purely evil. However, to talk of my thoughts on the most misunderstood facts in this incident: Was the script rushed? No. As we added a new writer we had to edit one or two scenes due to the story’s continuity with the Singapore scenes, so we got new edited versions of the script for those scenes. But we always had the script handed to us in advance every week, and we could even read it faster than that if we wanted to at our team’s online cafe. Was there any discord with the director because of his abusive language? We always ask our director to talk to us comfortably like we are his juniors, but he always uses the polite form when addressing us. Did Myeongwol go through difficult times because the shootings lasted all night? That is true. She had a hard time near the beginning, and once she sent a photomail text message saying she was going to be late because she was getting an injection for fatigue. The public statement written by the staff? That is true. I believe all members of the staff and the actors who were on the scene yesterday and the day before checked the facts and signed the document. I think they did not reveal the actual statement with the real names on it in the article because it was to be read by the public.

It would have been better if we could have taken care of the problem and wrapped it up between us, but it’s come out into the open, and now I believe it is up to the public to judge. There is no need to point fingers, but any misunderstandings must be cleared, and that part was a misunderstanding on the part of the staff and writer. I hope my words serve as sufficient evidence, as I was on the scene every day. I also feel sorry about the conditions we had to shoot the drama in; all the other staff members and all the other actors will probably feel sorry for that also. In my opinion, we must first decide for whom we wish to improve the conditions for. Is it for “me,” who has already received the due wages for the work being done, or is it for the “staff,” who work harder for a longer time than us actors do for less pay? Or perhaps, is it for the future of our “juniors?” Many of you say that dramas should be filmed in advance, before it starts airing, but that is not easy because of the costs of production and drama time slots. There are many dramas which are filmed in advance and yet experience losses because they cannot get a time slot. I also want my future juniors to film their dramas in better conditions, but, in my opinion, more than my future “juniors” who I haven’t met yet, the staff members who

I work closely with every day are more important. I know that this is not an easy problem to fix unless I become a high-level executive in broadcasting, found a production company and produce dramas with the knowledge that I will be incurring losses, or else someone good enough to do it himself appears. So as a powerless actor I don’t have many options I can take; the only thing I can do is show some appreciation for those working with me for less compensation by comforting them at the scene, giving them presents such as team uniforms, or treating them to good food, etc. It’s hard to say I’ve filmed a lot of dramas in my career, but I can say for sure that the situation I am in now is not the worst of them all. Even more, after listening to the statements of Mr. Lee Sunjae and Mr. Lee Dukhwa, who are greater actors than I am and went through even more difficult times, I feel I am too weak an existence to dare shout out for a revolution. I hope those who are higher up the ladder lend their ears to the shouts of those at the actual scenes. Forgiving someone for their wrongs is a very faithful thing to do, but if you do not set the wrong right with courage, or if you ignore the voices coming from those who still bleed from that wrong, that is not “forgiveness,” but mere “acceptance.” “

[Credit: translation by]
© 2011, ockoala. All rights reserved.

Updated 1 hour ago:

그마음 쭉이어가주시고 예슬이 응원해주시기바랍니다. 제입장에선 여배우가 예슬이만있는것도 아니고, 솔직히 월급쟁이 아무힘도없는 현장 스텝이무서워서도 아닙니다. 다만 여주인공보다 낮은 위치의 배우들과 스테프들의 입장도 알리고 누명을 벗겨주고싶었습니다. 하지만 예슬이도 실수는있지만 완벽할수없는인간이기에 팬입장에서는 끝까지 힘이되어주세요. 저도 오늘 회식에서 단둘이 오빠로써 따끔히 해줄말은해주고 다시예전처럼 받아줄생각입니다. 이왕 다시얼굴보고일할꺼 현장에서도 못돼게 눈치주고할 스탭들아닙니다. 다들 굉장히 순수해요. 방송국 제작사 윗분들은 우리랑은 또다른얘깁니다. 그냥 이번사건을 실수를저지른 여자아이와, 섭섭함을느낀 주변사람들과의 다툼과 화해정도로 단순히 생각해주시고, 확대해석 하셔서 오해없으시길 바랍니다. 스파이명월 우여곡절도많았고 시청률도 매우낮지만, 현장의 예슬이포함 모든이들 다시한번 다같이 열심히 만들어볼겁니다. 그이유는 몇안돼더라도 저희 드라마를 애정을가지고 봐주시는분들 때문입니다. 다들힘낼수있게 외부에서도 분열을 일으키는 소문들 없었으면 합니다. Ps--이번 사건의 다툼과 화해는 여기까지가 전부이고 더이상 얘기되지않았으면 하는마음에서 죄송스럽지만 다시 알티시킵니다. 더이상의 오해와 추측들은 다시돌아와 마음이무거울 예슬이나, 받아들이고 함께 가기로한 나머지배우들과 스텝들의 사기를 꺾을뿐입니다. 간단하게 여자아이의실수-나머지 동료들의 서운함-여자아이의 사과-오빠들의 꾸지람-화해 이렇게 단순하게 생각하시면되고, 사실이그렇습니다. 추측은 인제제발끝! 우리도 드라마좀 찍자고요!! RT @mylovesunToT: @miclarge1 그만좀 하세요.. 소신있는 발언일지 몰라도 같이 일하는 사람인데,솔직히 스태프나, 제작진한테 잘보일려고 아부떠는 걸로 밖에 안보여요.충분히 대중들한테 욕먹고 있는데, 꼭 이렇게 까지 나서야 될지.동료 연기자를 묵살하는 모습별로네요.


“I hope that you continue to give Ye Seul your support. From my point view, Ye Seul is not the only female actress on the team, and I’m not afraid of the staff without power on set. I just wanted to get rid of the false charges against the actors and staff at a lower level than the female lead. Ye Seul made a mistake, but nobody can be a perfect human being, so I hope that her fans will continue to be of strength for her until the end.

I, too, am planning to say what I need to say as her oppa during our team dinner tonight when it’s just the two of us, but I will be accepting her again like old times. These are not staff members that will be negatively eyeing her or anything now that she’s back. Everyone is very innocent.

The upper management of the production company is a completely different story from us. I hope that everyone will just consider it the mistake of one young woman and the reconciliation of those that were upset by it. Please don’t over-exaggerate or misunderstand what happened. A lot of obstacles were in the way of ‘Spy Myung Wol’ and the viewer ratings are very low, but everyone, including Ye Seul, are all going to work hard to make the most out of it.

Even though there are few, we are working hard for those that watch the drama with affections. We hope that there will no longer be any rumors being made so that we can all find strength again.

PS – This controversy is over with the reconciliation at this point. I hope that it won’t be talked about anymore, and I’m sorry, but I’m RT-ing this again. Any further misunderstandings and assumptions will only come back to hurt Ye Seul, who already has a heavy heart, and the remaining co-stars and staff, who must accept and move on.

In short, just consider it simply like this: one woman’s mistake -> the disappointment of her co-stars -> her apology -> the scolding of the oppas -> and finally reconciliation.

Please end all assumptions! Let us just film the drama!!”

Source: Eric's Twitter
Credit Translation: Allkpop

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