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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Daesung Big Bang is under investigation

Daesung one of the Big Bang members is under investigation for his involvement in a car accident that resulted death. 

According to police, Daesung, 22, was driving his car on Tuesday at 1:28 am when he ran into a taxi and motorcyclist at the end of Yanghwa Bridge in Seoul. It happened to be that the taxi driver had stopped his vehicle to make a call to report about the injured motorcyclist who was earlier involve with another accident, when Daesung hit the motorcyclist and the taxi about 40 meters away on the downhill segment of the bridge. 

Police stated that Daesung did not see the taxi and motorcyclist, and hit on his brakes after hearing a noise. 

The taxi driver suffered from minor injuries but the motorcyclist is dead. 

Daesung was not under the influence of alcohol but he had testified that he was driving at 80 km an hour on the bridge which the speed limit is 60. 

Currently, National Forensic Services were still looking into whether the motorcyclist was dead before Daesung's accident based on an autopsy, the footage on CCTV and witnesses.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

49일 (49 Days) Photo Spams

Finally we have arrived at the end of the journey of 49 Days. How was the 49 Days for you? did you have a great journey or is it possible that you got disappointed with it? well I have a mix feelings about how its end... maybe because I did not expect what they're giving us hahaha... but I can tell you that I'm sure having a great journey with them (^^)

To those who haven't watch it yet, you might want to put this drama on your list. It might not as extravagant as Secret Garden or My Girlfriend is Gumiho, but this is definitely one of those fantasy dramas that can make you sit tight and watch.

I like how the stories related to each one of them. But leaving us guessing what happened to Hang Kang & Song Yi Kyung just makes me go nuts. I don't really fancy with this kind of ending. It makes me wonder what kind of relationship they have... lovers? friends? Well I would love to think they're in love now since they've ended it with words such... ' because I've met you, now I'm happy...' 

Ops! hope that little spoiler from me won't ruin your imagination hahaha... I won't spilled more. But here some screen cap and photos from 49 Days.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"The scheduler was an adventure for me" - Jung Il Woo

Jeong Il-woo from the SBS drama "49 Days" which ended on the 19th gave his thoughts.

After having finished all of the scheduler's roles, he said, "I can't believe it's already over. I was a scheduler that managed a 49-day traveler but I think it was a 49-day adventure for me. They went by quickly but now that I've completed my journey I am so happy and thrilled".

He continued, "Doing this drama, I felt the preciousness of life and started thinking seriously about life and death. I am grateful to the director, writer and all the other staffs that allowed me to learn something like this".

The scheduler which Jeong Il-woo played in the drama "49 Days", is a new idea that played an important role in the layout of the drama. He said, "The new and awkward character of a scheduler was a challenge and adventure for me. I enjoyed being the scheduler".

He also spoke about his expectations in the next project. "As much as I loved "49 Days" I am sad it's over but I will hold it and the scheduler in a corner of my heart and hopefully I will soon come out with another item".

Jeong Il-woo created several issues playing the scheduler with his unique character, hair fashion and acting, earning him the remark that he's become much more grown up and mature.

Source : Nate & Hancinema

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jay Park: 'It Is Too Early to Say That My Album Achieves Great Success'

Singer Jay Park released a mini album in Korea and the album ranked atop the music chart. He came back as a solo singer album after one year and eight months break and he was not a leader of a star idol group anymore. The recently released album entitled "Take A Deeper Look" ranked atop the chart only in a day after its release, and it was also placed on the third place on the category of "World Album" on the Billboard Music Chart. He had created a stir and caused a bit of buzz, but he could successfully take his first step as a solo singer with his new album.

He came to a café in Apgujeong-dong for the interviewe on May 16, and said with a calm voice, "I feel very happy, but I think that it is too early to say that I have achieved a great success. Only the album was made successfully, and the song could not become very popular yet like IU's song 'Good Day'. If a song achieves great success, everybody can recognize the song in everywhere because they can listen to the song in every place. But people do not know my song that much yet". He evaluated his song in a modest way, but actually his song has ranked atop the music chart of KBS 2TV's music program "Music Bank" for two consecutive weeks. In particular, he competed with senior singer Im Jae Bum, who is very well known for his appearance in the program "I Am Singer" recently. Park said, "I won at the competition, but I could not stop wondering whether I deserve the first prize. Im Jae Bum is a great singer. Even though I do not know many of his songs, I could hear his names very much from long time ago. Anyway, it was my honor to be nominated with him at the same time". He came back as a singer after a long time, so he felt with emotions.

He said, "Even though I am too busy now, I feel very happy. But there are too many unfamiliar junior singers. Most singers except four or five singers were junior singers. When they treated me as a great senior singer, I feel really awkward. I do not feel like that I am their senior singer yet. I am still very young and we do not have too much gap between us, so I actually think that they do not have to treat me as their great senior singer". The biggest difference comparing to before was that he had to hold performance alone and lead his own performance. He said, "I have to control myself very well on the stage. I also have to take care of my facial expressions on the stage as well as dancing and singing because the camera always follows me. I am not very good at looking at the camera maybe because I have never sung alone before. Sometimes I only concentrate on dancing and forget to look at the camera". His album contains his ability as a musician. He participated in making six songs out of a total of seven songs in his album. He used to write lyrics for the rap before, but it was his first time to compose songs. He said, "I could not and should not do whatever I want to do before because I held performance as a group. But this time, I could do whatever because I can create my own performance. I chose the beat that I liked and composed songs one by one. I actually had no idea or plan what kind of album I wanted to make. I just freely wrote songs after choosing a special theme. I usually wrote those songs based on my imagination rather than based on my experience". He already wrote other songs to be included in his next album. He said, "Music is my life. This song that I made recently sounds really great. Of course, it could not become very popular, but I do not care. When other musicians recognize my song, I might feel really proud of myself".

He had to go back to his hometown in Seattle when his message that he had written before his debut in September, 2009 created a stir because the message contained his bad opinion on Korea, and he has to endure many abusive comments on him even before his comeback. He kept a dauntless attitude on those abusive comments. He said, "They gave those abusive comments to me because they have interest on me. I rather appreciate their interest because they are spending their time only for me while writing something about me. They might find some lacking from me and want to let me know those points for improvement, so I think that I do not need to be offended for their comments". After debut, he could have both very good experience while enjoying great popularity and bad experience due to his previous comment. What does he feel after those experiences? He said, "I am the same person, but people come to have different images about me now. I learned a lot from those experiences. People usually can learn new things from bad experience, but I am trying to look at only good things now even though it might be very hard. Hard time will pass any way".

Jay Park is now filming a movie entitled "Mr. Idol" while holding activities as a singer. He seemed that he was not yet used to be called as an actor. He said, "I am not good at acting because I do not know yet when to present action and when to release my emotion. When I sing, there is a song, but when I act, there is nothing but me. Filming itself is very exciting, but acting is very difficult". After he finishes filming the movie in June, he is planning to record his album in English version for his fans overseas and distribute those songs for free. He reportedly very much feels like finishing this recording work as soon as possible when he really wants to do. He will also appear in the international B-boy competition entitled "R-16" along with the B-boy team AOM, with whom he has practiced together for a long time, in July. He said, "I want to put priority on the music than acting now. I really like B-boying even though I am not that good at it. But participating in the competition might be really exciting. I love to sing and write songs that come into my head and I love to see people who like my songs".

Source : 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yoo Jin and Ki Tae-yeong getting married in July

Yoo Jin from girl group SES and actor Ki Tae-yeong are getting married this July.

Yoo Jin and Ki Tae-yeong wrote on their fan cafes on the morning of the 11th and announced their marriage. Then their managements officially announced their marriage as well.

The two met on the MBC weekend drama "Creating Destiny", developed into a relationship and are finally getting married.

The marriage will take place as a church service privately with only the two families and some close friends in July.

According to celebrity wedding specialist Yuna Kim who has the overall directing of this wedding, it's a devout church wedding but will be a beautiful one with style.

Yoo Jin's management G.G Entertainment and Ki Tae-yeong's entertainment J Star Entertainment will release details through an official press conference soon.

The official press conference will take place on the 23rd of May at the publishing anniversary party of Yoo Jin's second book of "Get It Beauty".

Meanwhile, Yoo Jin is MC on the On Style "Get It Beauty" program and is CEO for an internet shopping mall. Ki Tae-yeong is currently looking for his next project after "Royal Family".

Source : Nate & Hancinema

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Thought On: The Thorn Birds (가시나무새)

I've been having problems writing my thought lately... if I have to list out dramas and movies that I've been trying to write on... there is a lot. But today, I decide to write my thought on this drama. I guess maybe because I'm watching it starting with doubting about the quality it may results... and yes to my surprise I'm stuck with it till the end.

Details about the cast... well you might want to know this.

Name: Han Hye Jin
D.O.B: Oct 27, 1981

Name: Joo Sang Wook
D.O.B: July 18, 1978

Name: Kim Min Jeong
D.O.B: July 30, 1982

Name: Seo Do Yeong
D.O.B: April 14, 1981

The cast, they're surprisingly great. I've known Han Hye-jin (한혜진), Joo Sang-wook (주상욱) & Seo Do-yeong (서도영) from their other dramas but not Kim Min-jeong (김민정), well maybe I've seen her somewhere before but not fully giving my attention to her thats why. But if I have to pick my most fav. actors on this drama I'll have to say Kim Min Jeong and Seo Do yeong. Its not that Han Hye Jin and Joo Sang Wook fail to deliver their roles, it just that maybe both Kim Min Jeong and Seo Do Yeong deliver it better. Don't understand? LOL just ignore that... I'm being complicated again hahaha.

So just like my other thoughts that I've write before, I'll point out what I like and dislike about the drama. I guess it's easy for me to separate the positive and negative rather than pointing it together. So, the story begin with...

What I like about this drama:

1. The story line - the story started with 2 little girls playing out their roles as an actress and producers not knowing that their little dreams plus with big hope might turn their life upside down. They've grown up with different point of view, started with being friend but end up with hatred, anger and betrayal which also revolved around people they both love and trusted. The storyline might be hard for us to stumble on in this real life but its close enough to the reality.

2. The 2 strong character - I like it when everyone has their own flaws. 

Seo Jung Eun who was so bright, positive, naive and good hearted have their own limit, through out the episode she slowly showing us that she is growing into someone much more stronger and determine. 

Han Yoo Kyeong the complicated character actually not really complicated. She who shows us her only bad side actually trying to show us the weak, lovely and pity side of her. Han Yoo Kyeong who grow up with so much hatred on her just fail to let others know what she really want. Damn, I hate her enough to understand her hahaha.

3.The Supporting cast - Without the strong present of the other cast this drama will definitely... err.. well maybe not close enough to catch my attention. I don't have to tell you more about the four main cast coz they're perfectly great. I guess I started to adore Cha Hwa Yeon (Lee Ae Rin), Choi Jae Won (Park Han Soo), and Kim Ha Eun (Yang Mi Ryeon). 

4. The cute little girl -Where did they found that little pretty girl? Kim Soo-hyeon (김수현) as Han Byeol is my fav. eye candy in this drama hahaha... she's too cute and sweet. It will be weird if I don't mention her in my reason to like this drama LOL.

5. The siblings - I like it when all the brothers end up with good relationship. They've fought like crazy but still I have to say I like it when the story didn't end up weird or worse for siblings.

6. The emotion - and finally, the reason to for me to really like it is how they end up the story with so much love... we hate, we fight, we cry and we envy each other... but still no matter how bad things are... as long as there is love... there is a hope.

What I don't like: (Wish I don't have to list it out hahaha)

1. The character - I don't really like Lee Yeong Jo character... read it carefully... I don't like Lee Yeong Jo not Joo Sang Wook... Hahaha I don't know why, I just don't like that character, he makes me wonder... is he really in love with Seo Jung Eun or Han Yoo Kyeong? oh well of coz, that's the point... Seo Jung Eun too think he still in love with Han Yoo Kyeong... and that's why I don't like that character.

2. The character... errr relationship? - Why? why does every good guy end up with nobody? I know I'm not rooting for Choi Kang Woo with Seo Jung Eun... well not that I'm not it just that I've prepared enough to understand it will never happen after all. But I just wish that Choi Kang Woo character never fall in love with Seo Jung Eun... why don't he just fall in love with Han Yoo Kyeong? at least there is still hope right? argh! 

3. Hmmm.... do I have more? errrr.... too tired to think... I guess I've forgot the rest hahaha

The story started slow, and yet they've deliver it greatly. I've shared the same feelings... and unknowingly I've grown to love them... Watch them if you're looking for something strong and avoid this drama if you're looking for something fun. Will I recommending this drama to you? LOL you know my answer. 

"To all mothers out there...Happy Mothers Day."

To Mom, receiving your love itself is a bless, you might annoyed me sometimes but I've always love you and that will never stop... thank you mom for your immortal love.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Jay Park Won His 1st Debut on Music Bank

I've been waiting for his Come Back Performance on Music bank ever since his Album release. 

Watching his performance today just makes me happy. Seriously, I've never been so happy watching Music Bank before and my happiness doesn't stop there... Jay Park WON! that's when I felt... it is worth waiting for you Jay.

Here is his performance today:

Jay Park - Tonight

Jay Park Feat.dok2 - Abandoned

Credit Video: UnknownCarrot170@YT

[INTERVIEW] 110504 Jay Park 'I'm a singer-songwriter, not an idol'

Jaebum has come back. After releasing his first official album 'TAKE A DEEPER LOOK', he'll be calling the first shot of his comeback through a broadcasted stage on the 6th. Even before getting to start his main activities, he has received reactions from all around the world. His title song 'Abandoned' has recorded no. 1 in the Norwegian iTunes, as well as unexpected countries such as Denmark, and Canada sending him positive reactions as well.

However, Jaebum has walked about a very roundabout, far road to come to this moment. There has been a lot of things that happened, but this is the first time Jaebum will be able to really show his color. Through this album, Jaebum has completely escaped from the shadow that is 2PM. Not only has he become more mature, his musician-like sides capture the eye.

He quotes, "I started practicing two months before. I'm going to be holding my comeback stage in 'Music Bank', and I feel really nervous. Since I have to sing and dance with a song I made myself, it's more nerve-wracking than any other time. I hold love for this song, since I've tried very hard on it."

According to Jaebum, there is a 'sticky' dance included in this performance. Upon telling him that there was recently a 'spreadeagle dancing' controversy, he sets down a foot with, "My dance is not sexual". He thinks that there is feeling in his dancing, and that dancing is an art. It is very like his perspective, which holds pride as a b-boy.

In this first album that holds seven songs in total, Jaebum participated in all songs' compositions except one. In the Korean music world, this holds a special meaning. Jaebum's identity is hard to describe with just one word. To express him using his own words, Jaebum is a rapper, b-boy, and a singer-songwriter.

"In honest truth, the word 'idol' is rather awkward to me," Jaebum says while cocking his head to the side. "I'm not an idol. Hmm.... if I had to describe myelf, I'm a rapper, a b-boy, and a singer-songwriter. I think of myself as an artist. If I had to choose one description, I would choose b-boy."

Jaebum is an artist-like idol, but that image didn't appeal. Compared to the marketing G-Dragon shows, it actually feels rather behind. The break dancer Jaebum is important, but his homework is to appeal the musician Jaebum to the public.

"You're right. That's the assignment I have to solve in the future. Because I'm not an idol, either in personality or in daily life. More than anything, my music is not idol music. However, I'm not impatient in the want for people to recognize me. I'm not a person who's greedy for no. 1. I enjoy. That's what's the most important for me."

To Jaebum, music and dancing is not a part of a job, but a source of fun. This point has been shown in the difficult moments he'd experienced with complicated problems in 2009. "At that time, it had been very hard for me. I had gotten injuries, and I had also given injuries as well. However, even at that time, I kept dancing and made music. It's a part of my being. They're things I can't be separated from."

With this album, Jaebum has no intention to make many broadcasting appearances, or receive first place in broadcast music programs. He just has a greed for enjoying the stage and letting people hear what Jaebum's music is like. "Telling people of Jaebum's musical identity is a goal, if you could call it one. Oh, and please anticipate my ganji-filled performance as well." (T.N: Ganji is the Korean slang equivalent of 'coolness' or 'awesomeness')

"Oh? Why doesn't my songs come out, is it because they stink?"

This is what Jaebum had to say after listening carefully to the radio program being played at the cafe, whilst conducting the interview. Having gone into main activities after releasing his first official album 'TAKE A DEEPER LOOK', Jaebum is the most nervous and happy these days. The meaning Jaebum's first official album holds is big as it is.

"To the arrival of the time of releasing the album, I had a lot of worries. I feared that it would be an album without personality. I thought that there should be no embarrassment at all when I picked up my own album. Without thinking about anyone, I just did the music I wanted to do. If people like it, great."

Jaebum participated in all seven songs' composition, listed in the album, except for one. Sometimes with rough rap, or sometimes switching to a sweet R&B rhythm, he has been showing his eight-colored charms. His public appeal is sufficient as well. Jaebum had more than sufficed the requirement to show off his abilities.

"They've looked at it nicely. I think that there will be people who'll show different reactions, as people all have different tastes. However, I worked while enjoying it. Upon my comeback stage, I'm nervous, but right this moment I'm happy and really liking it."

In any moment in his life, Jaebum hasn't let go of dancing and music from his hands. While staying at America after his leaving 2PM in 2009, there was a lot of psychological pressure on him with many controversies, but he kept dancing and producing music. To him, dance and music is his daily life and a part of himself.

"I'm okay. I don't care about people bashing me. The things that made it hard were my parents, who were so hearthurt when I came up as a topic to people's lips. That was rather upsetting to me. I just hoped that it would all pass quickly."

Jaebum said that nothing lasted forever, not wounds nor hurts. He says that after time passes, everything finds its place again and it becomes better. "I'm happy right now. I'm a free person. I don't want to keep worrying about something. I judge positively."

However, there were many obstacles after his comeback. After the conflict between his previous company, JYPentertainment, and his current company, sidusHQ, rose up to the surface, it was made known that there were many slowing factors to Jaebum's appearance on broadcast programs.

"I don't care about it. If a program gets canceled, of course I'm disappointed. But it's a part that I can't control. I just think that if it's happened, it's happened. I just let things go how they flow. I think that one day, things are going to get better. Of course, I'm not saying that I hadn't been hurt, but I'm okay."

Because of this, the KBS2 'Music Bank' stage that will be carried out live on the coming 6th is an opportunity he's had for the first time in a long while. "I edited my title song 'Abandoned' to fit the program. You can anticipate my performance, which fits the song. I'll sing and dance passionately."

Making an assumption, to either sides of 2PM and Jaebum, each other will be a tag that they want to get rid of. However, Jaebum and 2PM are related with a long bond of staying together for a long time. The effect many incidents have had on each other is gigantic. It is the truth that some of it has had a negative effect.

Had Jaebum handed his album to the 2PM members after releasing his first official album 'TAKE A DEEPER LOOK'? At the place he met the reporter on the 4th, Jaebum did not shy away from mentioning 2PM or his previous mistake.

"No. I hadn't been able to contact them directly. However, I don't think that they wish that I'll end out badly. Since I think that it'd be nice if those guys become a success. In reality, they've grown very much and have become a cool group."

About some controversies and incidents that sprung up in 2009, he expressed it as his mistakes. "When I was young, I made mistakes. I had a foolish mind. But I'm just thankful that (fans) welcomed me back so warmly. I learned a lot as much as how much I've received from the fans."

The opportunity that has revisited him again has to feel precious to him. "I won't be too greedy. First, I think it's important to let my colors be known through this first album. It's okay if I'm not able to make many appearances on TV. Since I've came out with the music I'd wanted to do. I have a pride."

Recently, Jaebum has been occupied with not only music, but movies. He has been busy with the filming of 'Mr. Idol' in Junju. Upon mentioning his acting, Jaebum makes an expression incorporating a very flustered face and awkward face. "Ah, acting is hard. It feels different from music, again. I don't think I've adjusted to it quite yet."

All in all, Jaebum looked his happiest when he was immersed in music and dance, rather than acting. If acting gets in the way of music, he doesn't feel the need to press on. "I want to keep acting as well, but I'm worried it'll interfere in terms of my music producing."

"Right now, everything is enjoyable. Rapping is fun, singing is fun, and dancing is fun too. When's the happiest moment for me? This moment right now is happy. Especially, I'm at my happiest when I dance with my breakdancing crew AOM."

Please take out with full credits. Do not remove or add any credits.


The Greatest Love

Currently watching this drama... I think I'm gonna stick to it till the end... 
Like the idea of showing us the life of a superstars, some were working so hard, some were just raising and do well... Watching this drama just makes me realize that there were so many ex-idols out there... I guess this drama point it out well how they (the ex-idols) feels, think and works.

The reason for me to watch this drama is because of the storyline. It was fun to watch and at the same time it feel pain to be on their shoes. Trying to understand how things works just makes you want to do better than what you have today... well at least for me.

The cast itself makes me goes wow... especially for Cha Seung Won. Damn! why is that married man looking hot. I wonder if I have seen him acting in melodrama... but watching him on serious action movies and dramas makes me wonder how good will he be in this new character.

Kong Hyo-jin (공효진) As
Goo Ae-jeong 

Cha Seung-won (차승원) As
Dok Go-jin (독고진)

Yoo In-na (유인나) As
Kang Se-ri (강세리)
Yoon Kye-sang (윤계상) As
Yoon Pil-joo (윤필주)