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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kkotboda Namja [꽃보다 남자] Boys Before Flower 3rd Episode Part 1.

Finally it's episode 3:

Since it was episode 3 then I have things to write... some cast was so-so and some were good... well even if I'm a fan of someone that doesn't mean I have to just praised them coz no body is perfect.

(contains spoiler in every words... if you can't accept the fact that every person has different point of view... than you better not read.)

First, I realize in this episode that sometimes Kim Hyun Joong did not succeed with his expression especially when he was shocked or amazed... I think the way he look at GJD when she enter the ballroom with MSH does not tell that he was amazed, I just don't feel it that way. KHJ dance with GJD & MSH... he don't seems like he enjoyed the dance, he look like his holding his breath and he is too uptight there... but I like it when he express his anger. it look good and real to me... it seems like he really got into the anger scene... he look pale when he got angry so it make me think he's good... but I don't really like the lip gloss, I can't stop noticing the gloss in his lips. But in other scene he look better, feel like he managed to be in the group, a little bit relax than before so I'm looking forward on him.

Second, Kim Bum look cute when he smile but when he is supposed to be shocked he does not seem shocked... okay I know I'm too concern about the shocked expression but that's the only thing that make me think it might look great if they can express it correctly... am I too detailed or too much for asking this? well I am a detail person maybe that's why... but overall he's okay. 

Kim Joon is okay, I guess for a newbie his quite good... his expression look real, the way he smile and the way he talk fit with the role... maybe because from the first until the third episode he don't really have many dialogue but I'm not concern about the dialogue, if he can express the silence role perfectly than he is good.

Goo Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di, I think she's good with the role... I don't get it when people say she's overreacted but well people have different view so I guess that's why... but for me she's perfect. I like it when she having a fight with GJP it's natural to me... I've seen someone like her and even if sometimes I do think a person like her is kind of annoying but I really think this kind of person are the best coz they let people know what they think without holding it and finally regret it... that's the exact real things what I've seen before... so it's good for me that GHS succeed with her role.

Lee Min Ho, hmm...actually before this drama even start I don't even put my hope on him. I thought the character would be as much as annoying and I know I'm gonna hate it in the first or second episode. But to my surprise, I like his character more and more... I am supposed to hate him but from the start there is something about this character that make me attached to him. So, LMH succeed with his role... he make people love him even when he's a jerk in the first place... I guess this is the different between all other version.

And guess what, I love GJP mom hahaha... that strong evil character make me think she's great. the way she look at a person even scared me, her simple words is like a sharp knife preparing to cut a person into 2. I prefer her character now... well she is supposed to be hated but I like her.

Now, let see the screen cap... this is how the story begin.

Screen cap episode 3:

The dance begin 

'Is this a dream?' 

YJH leads the dance...

and hoping that she'll get off his shoes...
but isn't it sweet...

Enjoyed watching the dance

Some just hate it so much...

and jealous...

still watching...

still dreaming... hahaha

The first dance was over and now the second dance...

seriously leading the dance...

enjoyed every move they made...

still dancing...

owh... 'I'm jealous'

GJP hate the 1st dance so he went out
 to let his anger out...
and he have a little friend waiting for him...

'OMG'... he hate this.

GJD went out too 
(since she have to wake up from the dream)
and find out...

GJP was drowned in a swimming pool...

Got shocked when someone announce 
about GJP incidence... 

they rushed out and find out that

GJP is saved by GJD and still unconscious...

CPR by GJD... (is this considered as the first kiss?)

and when she was trying to make the 3rd CPR

GJP open his eyes... 
this is funny

GJD was shocked...

but GJP is happy...

and trying to have another 'kiss'...

and at this moment... GJD hit his face 

but GJP is too happy to be mad...

and this F2 seems to be happy to watch it...

but not YJH...
The next day...

GJD can't help but thinking about the 
swimming pool incidence

and GJP is in a very good mood 
he feel great even when he caught a cold...
he even say's he want to go school early...

B: I'll change the maid
look at his expression...

GJP: don't u think people in this house too up thight? relax..

even a weather can't change his mood...
he just being so happy
so what does he prepared for his happy day...

GJD seems can't believe what she saw...

Tadaaa, a thankful present 

Watching from other room....

He feel happy when GJD pissed off

but this F2 find it weird...
This is the first time they see him trying so hard

and YJH just in his own world

GJD: I'll leave when I'm done with this... 
this line feel a bit sad...
but I just don't understand why...

This 3 seems to be interested on GJD... 
they appeared wherever GJD go hehehe

GJD leaving YJH with this...
I like this one... 
the feeling is lonely and sad...

Meanwhile, GJP is having a great time at swimming pool
waiting for GJD

but look who's coming...

feel disappointed when he saw them...

the reason for them to meet him...
to light up the 'fire'

and the happy face is no longer there...

still convincing GJP how bad GJD is...
argh! look at them linking arm with GJP hahaha 

GJP: shut up! another words from you, 
things won't go well for you.
I like this line... cool ^_^

even if I hate her character... but still she look good here

GJP left them with much more disappointment...

After school...

GJD run all the way to the place
 where he met with YJH

but there's only an empty chair...

and look who's coming...

GJP: since I'm not the person you're waiting for...
 are you disappointed?

aish... it won't happened when you 
force someone like that...

GJP: do you hate me that much?

all she can do is cry...

The next day

at GJD home

GJD didn't want to wake up and go to school...
she prefer to be beat and not wake up

until his brother come and handed the invitation card

GJD was invited to a Party...
but look who's the happiest person...
cute parents hehehe

At the Party

SYJ was thinking harder to escape from the ladies...

and that's when he saw his life saviour

GJD arrived at the right time...

GJP: What are you doing here?

GJD: MSH unni invited me...
I can't help but keep notice her expression will change 360 degrees
when he face with GJP LoL

'Last time she came late. 
Don't you think GJD look beautiful...'

'yes, you're the cutest in this room...'

GJD reaction is cute... LoL
and just when she feel happy to be praised

GJP break it with his words...
GJP: funny, what kind of pumpkin turn out to be cinderella she is...

good words from GJP actually even if it sound bad...
he actually praising her without realizing it.
but GJD don't feel happy 

Luckily the White Night & Queen of Heart give an entrance
so there is no fight between GJP & GJD

and look how happy she is to see them...

YJH playing the violin for MSH 
and the rest sing a happy birthday song for her

I skipped MSH speech part,
she was thankful for the love they gave her and
told them that she will depart to Paris next week and never coming back...
and so on... oh yeah she even say 'Be Happy..' 
simple words but mean a lot.

meanwhile YJH who leave before the speech 
spend his time with the puppet

MSH enter the room and they have a talk...
how YJH has change into a man
and they have a little fight..

This is when he told MSH 
that he is a man who have his eyes only to MSH
for 15 years... 
and a man who's eager to embrace a women called MSH

and she said she know and sorry

and the kiss

still a kiss but someone is looking

the one that watching...

feel sad and hurt

GJP: it would be really embarrassing if you faint there...

Then the 2 lovers came out and luckily that 
GJD stand by GJP side at that moment...

MSH told them that they were going out for a drive
and ask if they if GJD would like to join them

and she answered them 

GJP: We're going somewhere too...

shocked with that statement
she look at GJP

YJH seems shocked too

and yes MSH too
she even repeat the words 'WE'
with a question tone..

GJP:This is a pay for my debt, we're even now...
GJD: What debt?
GJP: for saving my life.

GJD:  you want to repay me for saving your life just like that?

GJP: 'Should we go back then?'
that's when GJD hold GJP arm and stop him
'10%... we're even'
GJP: '50%'
GJD: '25%'

Smile... I guess he feels good winning on her...

GJD: It's nice, but why there is no other customer?
GJP: I reserved it... so you can do whatever you want

GJD: do whatever I want? what?
GJP: Cry or yell...

I like this scene... it show the caring sides of GJP
GJP: Don't you feel like crying after what you've seen?

I think this is the best thing of GJD.
She knows from the start that she can't even 
compare herself to MSH

But than feel a little bit relief when GJP 
praised her...
I think it's not relief but disbelief...
GJP saying something nice to her it's weird ^_^

Seriously telling her what he thought about her...
"Looks, brains & background may not much, 
but you're the first girl I've paid attention to. 
Full of potential."

Suddenly feel hot after listening to GJP words...

thought she drink a water but...

GJP in the restroom having the same feeling like GJD
it's suddenly hot...

I'll continue next time... it's a long day for me...
meet people with a fake smile...
thinking of a pile of work I live...
catching up my flight back home early in the morning tomorrow...
enjoyed doing this but still I need to make sure 
I don't leave black mark under my eyes...

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