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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Yoo Ji-tae Couple Donate 20 Million Won to Haiti

By Lee Hyo-won

The celebrity couple of Yoo Ji-tae, 33, and Kim Hyo-jin, 25, have donated 20 million won to Haiti earthquake relief.

The screen stars each donated 10 million won to World Vision, the international aid organization announced Thursday.

The funds will be used to purchase emergency kits, which include blankets, basic cooking and dining utensils, toiletries and other household necessities.

Kim has been volunteering regularly through World Vision after being named an honorary ambassador for the organization in 2008. Yoo has been providing support for the organization since 2009.

The couple has been appearing together in public since revealing their romantic status in 2007.

World Vision has distributed about 2,000 emergency kits to the some 7,000 households in Lower Petionville and Canape Vert, eastern Port-au-Prince, Haiti. But more efforts are needed, said the organization, and plans are underway to provide continued support.

The organization has so far collected donations of 1.8 billion won. For information about donating, visit or call (02) 784-2004. Or dial 060-700-1234 (ARS) to contribute 2,000 won per phone call.
* Great people will do great things too...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hottest’s Plan For Large-Scale Protests

2PM’s fanclub, Hottests, are planning to do another protest, but this time, every fan in Korea is apparently attending.

On the 2PM fancafe, it stated, “On the 31st of January, starting from 1PM, we will have a nationwide protest for Park Jaebeom’s withdrawal status. The location will be Jong-ro 2-Ga, Seoul. I know you guys are busy, but please come and support.”

Fans are in discomfort because the direction in which this incident seems to be headed, is that Jaebeom will not return. In their opinions, the situation is totally opposite from when JYP gave them hope on Jaebeom’s return through national television. In addition, the recent news of Sunmi’s withdrawal from the Wonder Girls has made Hottests even more anxious.

Will these protests do anything? What if it was Jaebeom’s sole decision to withdraw and not JYPE’s fault? How will fans justify their behavior then?
Credit Source: Allkpop
* Aren't the Hottest cool? sometimes I'm moved by their efforts on protecting their idols. Will Jaebeom feel the same? he should feel something by now. come up front and let everyone what is in his mind. Just hope things going smooth for the Hottest... well I guess I'm supporting them no matter what is the reason for. Hottest were so cool that I can't ignore what they're doing...
To Hottest.... FIGHTING!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ady An heartbroken over exhausted Xiao Xiao Bin

Xiao Xiao Bin's schedule has been packed lately. Yesterday he accidentally yawned in front of the camera, showing sign of his tiredness. Many are wondering if this child star is being overworked. In Autumn's Concerto, Ady An plays Xiao Xiao Bin's mother. When she found out about this, she also felt the pain. She said, "How can a father not love his children. Please don't give them too much pressure."

In fact, Xiao Xiao Bin's stardom happened because of Any's behind the scene helping hands. The child star was actually going to be someone else, but Ady felt that this is a very important role and needed to be handled by a very flexible child. She realized that Xiao Xiao Bin's performance in Down With Love was excellent and claimed Xiao Xiao Bin to act as her son in Autumn's Concerto. Unexpectedly, that was Xiao Xiao Bin's road to stardom. Ady explained, "Ah, if I knew this would happen earlier, I wouldn't have signed him.

In last week's episode, Ady had to help Xiao Xiao Bin shower and put on clothes. The sharp-eyed netizens noticed that Xiao Xiao Bin's underwear was inside out. To this, Ady revealed a secret, "Xiao Xiao Bin was not willing to let me see him naked. He kept crying so I pulled him aside and said 'if you don't do this, Mu Cheng will be very embarassed'. Then I promised that I won't peep at him changing clothes so that's why he put on the underwear himself!"

Ady tans very easily and due to the many outside filming for the drama, she became very tan. When compared to the "white" Vanness Wu, there seems to be a very big color difference. She said, "When I touch Vanness' face with my hands, I'm also shocked at whose hand it is. I even asked the director if we can exchange for a whiter hand."

Credit: Translations: xbunnylicious @

* I just watch BTS of Autumn Concerto episode 17. While watching that... there is many time I come up with a question... what will happened to this kid? I mean... he is too young to handle pressures. But I can see how people around him being concern about him, his father, friends, the crew... just hope they didn't overwork him. He might not understand now but psychologically that might be a burden.

Kwon Sang Woo’s son photos revealed for the first time!

Son TaeYeong posted up photos of her song RookHee for the first time.

She posted up 4 photos of her husband Kwon SangWoo and son on her minihompy on 23rd January. Son TaeYeong wrote, "What are this 2 doing in front of me?"

Meanwhile, netizens’ comments were "He looks just like his father", "The father and son looks good together" etc.

* so cute... will put up the other photos next time... hehehe need sometimes to edit and so on... d-_-b

Autumn's Concerto / 下一站,幸福 5th Stop

"It's (brain tumor) just like me. It come without any prior warning. By the time you noticed, its feeling towards you is even deeper than you had imagined." (Liang Mu Cheng)

"The one that you need to chase away is the tumor, not me." (Liang Mu Cheng)

"I feel that our love and relationship is like a game of Monopoly, no matter what kind of fate it gives us, we'll have a chance of winning as long as we hang in there."
(Liang Mu Cheng)

"I don't like being in debt to other people... if I have to betray myself in order to live, that feeling of being controlled by someone is just like breathing without meaning."
(Ren Guang Xi)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong Receives Heat For Attending Ex-President’s Birthday Party

Kim Hyunjoong has been receiving a lot of criticism, heat and hate for attending the birthday celebration of ex-President Jun Doohwan. The reason for this? Because Jun Doohwan was one of Korea’s most hated Presidents and considered responsible for the Gwangju Massacre in 1980.

Kim Hyunjoong is apparently deeply hurt from all of the harsh criticism and hate. On the 19th, DSP Entertainment had stepped in to release a statement on their website and clear his name.

“January 18th was the birthday of DSP Entertainment’s CEO, Lee Ho Yeon. Aside from Jungmin who was filming for ‘Human Theatre 2010′, the CEO and the rest of the members had an appointment to eat dinner together. Hyungjoong had another meeting prior to this dinner, so after that meeting, he met up with CEO Lee Ho Yeon to travel together to the dinner location. On the way there however, Lee Ho Yeon received a call from the ex-President’s party, requesting that he drop by. Upon the request, they stopped by prior to heading out for their dinner party.”

Basically, DSP Entertainment is stating that Kim Hyunjoong had no choice but to stop by because DSP Entertainment’s CEO, Lee Ho Yeon, had to make a stop at Jun Doohwan’s celebration. In other words, Hyunjoong was there by coincidence, since he was with Lee Ho Yeon. Unfortunately, because of this, Kim Hyunjoong has been receiving a lot of hate.

Credit Source: Allkpop

* Hmmm... what is so wrong for attending someone birthday. Even if everyone hate that ex-president doesn't mean people who attend to that party love him dearly, they must be a reason behind that.

Sometimes I just don't understand people who create scene without knowing every detail.

But I always think fan are really something... they act faster than people think. I like the video which answering every detail when people keep sending their hate... Kim Hyun Joong fan is the best.

Public fears for overworked Xiao Xiao Bin

The quickest rising child star sparked controversy with the amount of work he has been doing recently. Local news reported that Xiao Xiao Bin made 7 public appearances in various events over the past two weeks. The latest took place a few days ago, when the 5 year-old was a guest at a diabetes awareness event. He was seen yawning on stage and told the press himself that he felt tired.

His dad Xiao Bin Bin has been heavily criticized by the public for overworking his son, even calling him "Devilish-Money-Loving-Daddy". Xiao Bin Bin was distraught over the accusation and said he has considered stopping Xiao Xiao Bin from acting at one point. He asked the public to refrain from putting his family under the microscope. Xiao Bin Bin said his son enjoys acting and is more mature than children of his own age. Although he hasn’t enrolled Xiao Xiao Bin in school yet despite he is already at school age, he plans to hire private tutors to teach him English and dance.

The public seems to think the contrary as some even complained to the Taipei municipality that the child has been overworked. They were also outraged when Xiao Bin Bin and his son made an appearance on a variety show in which the youngster was asked to pick a new mom. Many thought it was inappropriate for Xiao Xiao Bin to be put on the spot or even to be on the show in the first place. Professionals of children psychology also voiced their concerns of the child star. In addition to academic knowledge, they stressed the reason for a child to be in school is so that they can learn to socialize with people of their own age. In response, Xiao Bin Bin said he has canceled all variety show appearances to lighten his son's workload. Xiao Xiao Bin's work schedule now mainly consists of promoting Down with Love and filming P.S. Man two days a week, all event appearances will be in the afternoon or later.

Source: ChinaTimes

Monday, January 25, 2010

Lee Byung-hun: Korea's leading man

Credit clips: Ylin @ Youtube

(CNN) -- With over 20 years as an actor, Lee Byung-hun has a gained a serious on-screen persona. But when the camera is off, the 39-year-old South Korean is more joker than brooding artist.

Sienna Miller, his co-star in the 2009 blockbuster "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" -- Lee's first foray into Hollywood -- described Lee as not only incredibly talented and handsome, but also incredibly funny and silly.

It's perhaps an unexpected accolade for the star of films like "Joint Security Area" and "The Good, the Bad, The Weird."

Yet he admits that while he takes his work seriously, in "real life" he likes nothing more than having fun and relaxing with a bottle of wine.

For a bit of respite from the fame and adulation he faces daily in South Korea, and for a bit of fun, Lee once became a taxi driver for a few days.

"No one recognized me. It was a weird experience," he told CNN.

After returning the taxi back to a friend and playing with being anonymous, Lee was back into his real life, starring in hugely popular South Korean TV series and making a name for himself in Hollywood.

"Even a few years ago no one thought it would happen. It was just a dream for Korean actors," he said.

With "G.I. Joe" sequels to come, he could soon be hiding from an even bigger army of fans.

Source: CNN

* He deserve to be where he were now.... proud to be asian

Oscar Red Carpet 2

G-Dragon speaks up about concert scandal!

G-Dragon, the leader of Big Bang, has always been a prominent artist and even got his first work on an album at the early age of 13. In 2008, he was recognized as one of the top 8 composers of the year and in 2009 he had the highest selling album. Although recognized as a fashionista and an amazing musician, much controversy has surrounded his music and recent solo concert.

Even though there have been many unpleasant words directed at G-Dragon recently, not many people can understand what he’s been through. He’s a bit different than most artists due to his upbringing. And frankly, his unconventional methods and bizarre style are the things that make him stand out. In a recent interview, G-Dragon reveals a bit about his past and the path he’s taken to arrive where he is today.

People close to G-Dragon say that’s he’s a very “precise and trustworthy” man; during the production of his solo album, he would check on every single detail and even goes up to the third floor to check out the concert stage.

However, his first solo concert received very negative attention due to the sexual display he put on during his song Breathe.

This was a big deal for G-Dragon because he had been dreaming about this concert since he was a 13-year-old. He was worried about how each audience member would view his stage. It was nerve-wracking to be on-stage with the members of Big Bang, but this stage meant so much more since he was performing as a solo artist and not an idol member. He felt frustrated because he worked so hard for this concert and then got criticized over it.

G-Dragon stated,

I’m a popular artist for the public. I believe in how the public judges me. It’s my fault if the public felt what I intended was too much or too inappropriate. But it wasn’t a concert that was aired to the public so I wanted to show a more fierce and memorable side. I’m so sad that things weren’t accepted the way I intended them to be accepted.

I really ran straight forward to get to this solo concert since I was a young kid. I might be saying this because I’m still young but after the concert I thought to myself, “I don’t want anything else.” But then the next day, I only saw criticism on the internet so my heart felt like it was breaking.

A fake laugh came out instead of tears as I asked myself, “Wherever I go, will I be criticized?” All I wanted was to show the audience various sides of me. I showed many images of myself during my performances, including a cheerful look and a cool look; why was only this part highlighted and made into an incident? The press articles of the media used such strong words in the headlines, and when I realized that my parents would see the articles, I felt embarrassed and disappointed.

I didn’t think too much. But I wish people wouldn’t judge so quickly and pessimistically. The song Breathe is about not wanting to wake up because your ideal type keeps appearing in your dream. The song has a fantasy theme so I wanted to use the bed to show someone who’s lost in his dreams. To the public, it came off as something too sexual. I thought to myself, “I’m not like that but I guess it seemed that way to people.”

Whether people give positive or negative comments, they are taking interest in me. If someone tells me I did something wrong, I take it as a comment to help me fix my ways. I’ll listen to what everyone’s saying and use it to help improve the next album. I’ll do my best with the Big Bang album coming out later this year.

Source: & Allkpop

* Poor GD... he is talented enough but I still think to be creative is not enough, you have to be smart too. Creativeness which come with more problem... I think that wasn't a smart one.

By now he should have learn something... the cruelty in life. People wasn't going to be easy with everything... to be famous doesn't mean people won't say bad things, to be popular doesn't mean people will accept everything... that's the price to be in the industry. To be truth... it's not the netizen who create all the chaos... netizens only come up with that after someone spitting it out. Only writers who have something to gain from it will create something like this...

Just hope GD won't hide away after the incident... stay strong, be more creative and don't be afraid with all the bad words. Hope he keep coming up with more creativeness.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

U.S fans want Jaebum back

Korean-American fans of 2PM have run an ad on a local Korean newspaper, urging the former group leader Park Jae-beom to come back to the team. The fan club Missy USA Hottest is mainly comprised of married Korean-Americans. The club ran an ad on a Korean-American newspaper published in Los Angeles. The ad shows the fans’ request to have Jae-beom back with 2PM and their unwavering wish to see him again.

The fans also said that Korean mothers are willing to send their children to Korea not to make money, but because Korea is their motherland. They asked to revive the trampled dream and future of Jae-beom and said that’s how to boost many young Korean-Americans’ love for their motherland.

KBS Global

* Still about the most wanted leader Jaebum. Wah!! fans are dying waiting for him... he should just pack his thing and start report to JYPE. He might have his pride and believe to hold onto but fans and everyone been giving a good signs since his departure... so just come back and give a remedy to everyone.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jaebeom is returning?

Many rumors regarding ex-2PM leader Jaebeom have surfaced in the past day, and Newsen has a few more for us!

Today, it was reported that Jaebeom completed a filming session for a music video in the United States. Many predict that this footage is preparation for Jaebeom’s comeback to Korea. One entertainment related source stated:

The music video features Jaebeom as the main character. It looks like they are going to release the music video soon and officially state Jaebeom’s return.

Although many believe that Jaebeom will definitely return, others think that Jaebeom may return to Korea to restart his career as a solo artist instead. Along with the solo artist rumor and Jaebeom starring in a Hollywood movie Hype Nation speculation, word’s gotten around that Jaebeom might be a permanent member of MBC’s Come To Play.

After denying the press conference, JYP Entertainment again stated that nothing has been decided yet. These are just rumors so readers should have reservations about everything that’s being released right now. But who knows? Anything is possible.

Credit Source: All Kpop & Newsen

* Why did I think... all this statement sound like welcoming Jaebum home.

No matter what people says I still think he will be back and lead again. They might want to gather everyone attentions before making the real statement... hmm who knows... it might be wrong but it might be right too...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Autumn's Concerto / 下一站,幸福 4th Stop

" For the first time, I want to become a better person for her. Because I believe that this world is not that rotten yet. I can accompany her to work harder and not let anyone hurt her again because she has been hurt for too long." 
(Ren Guang Xi)

"Law is not a toy that fooled around and played by bad people. It is a pair of wings that will protect the good people." (Ren Guang Xi)

Xiao Xiao Bin makes 700k a week and gets 4 personal assistants

Super cute and witty Xiao Xiao Bin is easily the top rising star in Taiwan over the past few months. Taking a look back at 2009, some stars stood out in mind as the media gave us full coverage on them with weekly, or even daily, updates. Remember homeboy goddess Yao Yao , the super-hyped return of variety host Zhu Ge Liang after being in hiding for 10 years, and Mark Chao whenever he goes to the gym or blogs about bubble wrap? Maybe these stars can get some breathing room now that the new prince of media coverage is 5 year-old Xiao Xiao Bin.

Xiao Xiao Bin attended SETTV's Entertainer Awards press conference with an entourage that consisted of his dad Xiao Bin Bin, younger brother Mini Bin, his uncle and his manager. The young star has been nominated for Most Notable B-Ka (second fiddle) along side other rising stars like the Virgin Prince Jing Wong.

When asked about his chances of wining, Xiao Xiao Bin assured his fans by saying, "I will win!" When reporters asked why, he responded, "Because I'm very good at acting." In addition to answering questions directed to him, he also showed his professionalism by helping out with the microphones for other interviewees.

Xiao Xiao Bin the professional!!

Although Autumn's Concerto is still airing, fans will be able to see Xiao Xiao Bin in the competing drama Down with Love on January 24th. After Autumn's Concerto finishes, he will be seen again on the follow-up drama P.S. Man with Blue Lan. Xiao Xiao Bin has just completed filming a CF for a dairy product and another for electronics. The media estimated his earnings at NT$ 700,000 for last week alone.

Source: UDN, Chinatimes
Written by PA

* So cute, working hard at the early age wasn't that bad... He is so lucky... I wonder what he going to do with that money Question Mark

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ga-In bribes Jokwon with affection

Over the last couple of months, Ga-In and Jo Kwon have gained immense popularity as a couple on ‘We Got Married.’ In fact, Sandara Park better watch out because they have also garnered the interest of many through their new me2day account!

On the morning of the 20th, Ga-In left a supportive message for hubby Jo Kwon that read,

“I think your [2AM's] new song will be the next hit! Honey Jo Kwon, if the album does well and if 2AM takes 1st place, I’ll hug you for five seconds. So hurry up and make the song a hit!”

Later, she added,

“Jo Kwon~ah, if you get the Triple Crown, I’ll give you a back hug.”

And after having read her posts, Jo Kwon replied,

“Thank you wife for those supportive words.”

In response to the words exchanged between the two, fans showed their support for the ‘lovebirds’ by commenting,

“Make sure you give him a back hug!” and “Make it to the top and then run to Ga-In nuna!”

Credit Source: Allkpop

* they acted more like real couple nowaday... cute

Vanness Wu vs. Jerry Yan

Taiwanese idol drama series Down With Love which stars two mega idols, Jerry Yan from F4 and Ella Chen from S.H.E will be making its debut on television screens this weekend. To instill some hype amongst viewers, the production team aired a special episode which consisted of trailers and exclusive interviews with the cast last Sunday.

The ratings for the special trailer episode raked in a meager 0.59% as compared to Jerry’s fellow F4 band member Van Ness Wu’s ongoing drama series, Next Stop Happiness, which pulled in a healthy number of 7.15% in ratings.

The four members of F4 have been separately participating in various drama productions lately with Vic Zhou starring in Black & White and The Late Night of Madam Chin, Ken Zhu in the recently-concluded Momo Love, Van Ness Wu in the ongoing Next Stop Happiness and Jerry Yan’s soon-to-debut Down With Love.

Due to its similar time slot, the drama series starring both Vanness and Jerry are expected to compete head-on with each other. Next Stop Happiness is currently the leader of the pack with its strong ratings of 7.15%.

The television station broadcasting Down With Love defended themselves and explained that the special episode cannot be considered as the show’s debut episode. They remain confident that their drama series will perform well when it airs this coming Sunday.

Source: MediaCorp TV 

* Wargh!!! ex-F4 is now competing each other... that sound great. Since I'm still watching Autumn's Concerto and been following the latest news about Down With Love... I can see that both will make a hit.

It was hard to choose between an actors... but it was easy to decide which drama will be the best. I guess I won't be bias about this. I am for sure watching both of them. The reason that attract me to watch Down With Love is Ella. Sorry I'm not Jerry's fan hehehe but Ella has always been in my favourite list.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Promise (Chapter 24 & 25)

Chapter 24

After HJ regained his consciousness, he found himself lying on the bed in the hospital, his surrounding is thick with the smell of disinfectant.

He saw the concerned expression from MH who’s with him all the time, “Hyun Joong, you finally awake.” MH said.

HJ tries to move his body, and finds that his waist is still painful.

“What happened?” HJ asked.

“We had a car accident.” MH replied.

“O, sincha?” HJ kind of remembered how he felt on the strong impact.

“Is there anyone injured?” HJ continue to ask.

“I’m okay, you still need to go through the detailed examination.”

HJ tried his best to sit up, and to move his arms and legs,

“Seems like there’s nothing serious ……when could I discharge from the hospital?”

He must rush back to the filming location, he still has to fulfill his filming mission. He lifts the blanket, and trying to get out of the bed.

“I already contacted the filming crew about our condition, and they will arrange to push back your filming schedule.” MH holds him from getting off the bed, “The doctor will come to do the examination later, and you better take some rest first.”

After hearing what MH said, HJ lay back down,

“I need to deal with the reporters.” MH helps to put the blanket back on HJ.

“Why? The media knew about it already?” HJ asked.

“Yep, the reporters got the news right after the accident occurred, and there must be reports about the incident already, I need to explain your condition to them. “ MH said.

MH left his room right after. Lying on the bed, HJ takes a look at the window, it should be at nighttime now, but the neon lights from the commercial boards are so bright that it feels like daytime.

This is the first time HJ involved in this kind of car collision. Although he fell asleep and had only dim memories of the accident, he gets rather scary now when he thought back about the accident. He so painstakingly built up his career and it just started to have substantive leap; he so carefully irrigated his love and it has not blossomed into beautiful flowers yet, if his life unfortunately ended like this, how regretful this would be.

‘When you had the fear of losing something important, you would then start to fully understand the meaning of cherish.’ Now he finally values thoroughly what this phrase means, is it indicate that he’s getting mature?

Her every twinkle and smile unstoppably jumps in his mind, sometimes close by, sometimes far away, just like the distance between him and her now. At times, he felt she is so close that he could touch her when he reached his hand out; at times, he felt she is so far that they seems to be standing in each end of the opposite banks and he could only watch her from distant.

Yoon Ji Hoo, His character in the drama, is someone who is willing to give up his love for his friendship. In the past, he firmly believed he would put friendship in his priority too, he thought man should be liked this.

Lately, he envisages countless times putting her in the same scenario ------ if she was the one he needed to give up for his friendship, would he still be willing to give her up this generously? NO, he can’t, he can’t bear that she would unfold her enchanting blush to someone other than him; he can’t bear that she would focus and care for someone other than him; he can’t bear the most that he was not the one staying with her in the end, and he feels like he can’t breathe whenever he thought about it.

He clearly aware, with her, he still got a long way to go, and he is preparing and equipping himself inwardly for this.

His thought breaks off because the doctor comes in, and the thorough examination is carried out. After the examinations, it’s been another 2 hours before the results were finally released. Other than the sprain on his waist muscle, everything seems fine, and he could discharge from the hospital.

MH immediately helps HJ to complete the discharge procedure, and brings HJ to the dorm. It is around 10pm when they arrived at the dorm. Before MH leaves, he emphasizes to HJ that he should rest well, and he will pick him up tomorrow afternoon for the commercial filming.

He is the only one in the dorm, the other members are not back yet. HJ called Omma to ensure her that he is fine and not to worry about him.

He lies on the bed trying to get some more sleep, he toss and turn but couldn’t fall asleep, so he may as well gets up to check some e-mails and leave some messages in their official fan website.

There is a lot of news reporting about his car accident, and tones of fan messages pour in reminding him to put safety first and to take care of his health.

‘Would she hear about his accident?’ HJ thought, and picked up his phone planning to send her a message, but after a second thought, he put his phone down and didn’t send the message.

Shortly after, he hears sound from opening the door, and then Hyung Joon, Kyu Jong and Young Saeng walk in.

Hyung Joon is clamouring and hurrying his way to HJ’s room and opens the door,

“Hyung, Hyung, are you alright?”

Kyu Jong and Young Saeng follow and walk in behind Hyung Joon with their disquieting expression as well.

“Yep, I had done all necessary examinations, nothing serious.” HJ said calmly.

“Hearing that you got into a car accident, I’m almost scared to death.” Hyung Joon slapped himself down on the bed.

“Hyung, are you sure you are alright?” Kyu Jong asked emphatically.

“I’m okay, just sprained my waist muscle.” HJ said.

“That’s good, thanks god.” Kyu Jong breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hyung, do you know? We didn’t aware of your car accident until I received a call from Hwangbo nuna.”

HJ raises his brow and looks at Hyung Joon, giving him a sign to continue.

“We are filming a show in the TV station when Hwangbo nuna called. She asked if you are doing okay, at first, I thought her question is a bit odd…..then she said she heard you were involved in a car accident……I immediately called MH to find out the details, and MH said you two were in the hospital already, but you’re not awake yet. MH further told us that the doctor went through a brief examination and no major injury was found, but a thorough examination is needed……, I was scared to death!”

“Did you tell her?” HJ asked.

“I called nuna back right away, and told her everything MH told me.” Hyung Joon said.

“What about afterward? Did you tell her I awakened and discharged from the hospital?” HJ asked again.

“O…..I am too anxious, I……forgot, I just remembered now.” Hyung Joon scratched his head.

HJ picked up his phone, “I am fine, you all could go rest now.”

The three take a look at each other, then walked out and closed the door behind them. HJ dialled the familiar numbers immediately, and it was picked up right after the first ring.

“Hello……is this Hyun Joong?” HJ heard her voice full of hesitant tone.

“It’s me.”

“You……are you okay?” He is not sure if that is his illusion, her voice sounded a little shiver.

“I’m okay, I got discharge from the hospital already, and I’m back in the dorm.”

“Whew……, that’s good.” He heard her breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Don’t worry.”

She did not continue,

“I……could I request a special favor?” He continued.

“Why? ……”

“Even though I’m not injured, but I’m startled, I got adequate reason to request a special favor.”

“Ha……where is this come from.” She laughed.

Hearing her laughter, he starts to smile too.

“Well, let’s hear what kind of favor you are requesting.” She said.

“Hmm……the thing I wanted the most, could I?” He mustered up his courage asked, and carefully listened to her tone.

There’s only silence from her end,

“Could I? He asked again. Still silence,

“Ai …… I just wanted to have the tasty Samgyetang again, but you seem you are this troubled by the request, I’m hurt.” He pretended he is disappointed.

Pssssh…., she titters lightly.

“Let me think, hmm……, ok, just because you are startled.”

“Nice!” He blurted out.

“But how could I give it to you?” HB asked.

HJ considers a bit, “If I said I could go or you would come, you most likely would not agree, how about this, I will ask Hyung Joon to come and pick it up from you.”

“When will he come?” She asked.

“Whenever you said, it is quite complicated to make that.” He said.

“Tomorrow around noon time, is that okay?” HB asked.

“Wow, I am able to taste it tomorrow, that’s great.” HJ laughed.

“Ok then, you should go get some more sleep now.”

“Yep, you too.” HJ said and hanged up.

HJ walked out of his room, and saw Hyung Joon sitting in the living room watching TV.

“Hyung Joon, you need to go to Hwangbo nuna’s place by noon tomorrow to pick up something for me.”

Hyung Joon loudly complained,

“Why? Why I have to do this?”

HJ grasp Hyung Joon’s neck to stop him from yelling, “Because……you need to pay back your guilt.”

“Why? How I could be guilty when I didn’t even do anything wrong.” Hyung Joon tried to escape from HJ’s grasp.

“You forgot to keep her informed and made her worried for so long, you said you are not guilty?” HJ said.

Hyung Joon loss his words and did not dare to response for awhile “That’s......, that’s......”

“That’s it, confirmed. I’m going to sleep now.”

HJ walked out on Hyung Joon who is still jumping up and down complaining, and went back to his room. Feeling quite good, HJ fall asleep shortly.

After a good night sleep, didn’t even had a dream, HJ wakes up around noon time, his muscles are still sore, but the dark circles fade away a lot. Hyung Joon is following his order to go to her place, and hasn’t come back yet.

After he took a shower, HJ gets the script on hand and starts studying it. Awhile later, Hyung Joon is back, walking in sulkily with a small bag in his hand and he pushed it over to HJ. “It’s for you.”

Ignoring Hyung Joon who’s still standing beside him, he takes out the vacuum bottle, but he finds another bottle in the bag. He takes it out, and it’s a medicated balm.

“What is this?” He looks up and asks Hyung Joon.

“Nuna said this is a very good balm for muscle sprain, she used it before when she sprained her muscle during taekwondo practise, and it gives a good relief on muscle pain.”

“You told her?” HJ remembered he didn’t mention to her about the sprain on his waist.

“Of course.” Hyung Joon said delightedly.

“Fool, why you telling her this.”

Hyung Joon gets irritated and shouts, “This is too much, I’m doing you a favor, you didn’t say thank you and yet you scolds at me.”

“Why should I say thanks? Don’t tell me you didn’t get a great lunch from her before you came back.” HJ asquint stared at Hyung Joon, this chap is getting all the advantages and still pretended being slaved, only god knows how much I want to see her.

Hyung Joon’s making his hollow laugh, “Ho ho, I’ve got there just at the right moment, Nuna was preparing Lunch, and so I have lunch with her, ho ho.”

“Nuna reminded you to eat it when it’s still warm, my mission accomplished, dismiss.” Hyung Joon runs away from HJ before HJ flares up of envy.

HJ twists open the vacuum bottle, the familiar aroma greets him, and it provokes his appetite. He didn’t eat anything the whole time waiting for this.

He ate it all, didn’t even leave a drop, and he sent her a message afterward,

“It is very delicious, I gains back my energy now. And thank you for the medicated balm.”

She replied, “As long as you like it, fighting”

Chapter 25

A few days had passed, she finally recovered from the shocking news, the news that he was involved in the car accident.

She didn’t have any schedule in the afternoon that day, and went back home early. She prepared and had a light dinner, then, turned on her computer, checking news and updating her cyworld site.

She was habitually checking his news in the internet, but the shocking news popped up, “F4 member Kim Hyun Joong was involved in a car accident while headed to BOF filming location. The accident occurred at 17:40pm today January 21, 2009, the car was severely damaged. Kim Hyun Joong was sent to the Hospital, but his condition is unknown.”

Her mind was in sudden buzz, her heart was cramped at this instant, her blood froze, and she was stunned staring at the screen couldn’t move a bit.

She couldn’t believe the person who just sent her a message stating that he was damn tired, now suddenly became the protagonist of such stunning news. The hidden meaning behind the statement “Unknown condition”, she did not dare to think and she did not willing to think.

He would be alright, certainly would be alright.

Instinctively, she wanted to call him right away, but before she pressed ‘sent’ button, she realized she was muddleheaded, how would he answered the phone right now?

She told herself not to panic, couldn’t be panic, she had to stay calm, but she still couldn’t control over her shaking hands.

After awhile, she finally realized she could phone Hyung Joon to ask for his condition. Trying really hard to keep her tone calm, she did not want to reveal her emotions in front of Hyung Joon. Hyung Joon didn’t know the incident yet, he said he would call MH right away to figure out the situation, and asked her to wait for his call.

8 minutes had passed, Hyung Joon called back, he said HJ was not awoke yet, but the doctor stated there’s no major injury after the initial examination, and the doctor needed to do the detailed examination to confirm, HB reminded Hyung Joon to keep her informed on his latest status.

Grabbing her cell phone tightly in her hand, she endlessly refreshing the news web pages hoping to get the latest updates, time passes by minute by minute, but nothing was updated, nothing about his condition was mentioned. How have he been in the end? The worry, the anxiety started to spread uncontrollably that filled every bit of her, she couldn’t handle it anymore.

His images were the only images appeared in her mind, these images went through her mind like a movie. The intense gaze he had looking at her; the way he shook his shoulders squinting at her and burst out laughing; the annoyed look he had complaining the revealing clothes she wore……

Remorse is piling up from the bottom of her heart; in one hand, she’s enjoying the happiness he brought her; but on the other hand, refusing him to get any closer. She had been truly unfair to him. Is the unknown future really more important than the happiness right in front of them?

She did not know how long had passed, but there’s finally an update on his status, ‘the spokesperson of DSP Entertainment stated Kim Hyun Joong was not injured, he was just startled, and he was in the hospital undergo further examination.’

She tried to relax herself after reading this update, but something not seems right, if there’s truly nothing serious, Hyung Joon should called her back right away, would this be the standard statement from the management released to the press to calm the media down, but his actual condition was not optimistic?

The upsurge of these emotions took hold of her until her phone rang. The call display showed it’s actually from his cell phone, she picked it up at once, would this really from him?

Holding the phone with her shaky hand, she hesitantly asked, “Hello……is this Hyun Joong?”

She heard his voice, “It’s me.” Half of her weary heart calmed down.

“You…..are you okay?” She couldn’t control her shaky voice.

“I’m okay, I got discharge from the hospital already, and I’m back in the dorm.” His voice sounded very steady, didn’t seems being uncomfortable.

“Whew……, that’s good.” The other half of her weary heart finally calmed down.

When she heard him saying “Don’t worry”, for a moment, she had the feeling to burst into tears. Next he was joking with her as usual, she realized this is his special way trying to cheer her up, whenever he sensed that she’s feeling down or in low spirit.

She understood the favor he requested “The thing he wanted the most”, and there’s a split of second, the reply “Okay” almost slipped out from her lips, but she made all her efforts to swallow it down.

She knew that is irresponsible to make promise under such emotion.

The next day, she woke up early in the morning, and went to the supermarket to find all the ingredients to make Samgyetang, she started preparing it right away once she got home. Knowing Hyung Joon would be coming around noon time, she prepared a plentiful lunch, so that he could have his lunch before heading back to the dorm.

By the time Hyung Joon arrived, the Samgyetang was just ready.

“Woo, it smells really good.” Hyung Joon sniffed deeply while HB is pouring the Samgyetang into the vacuum bottle.

“Sincha? This is for Hyun Joong, for him to recover his strength from the accident.” She smiled at HJB.

“There’s no need for Hyun Joong Hyung to recover his strength, he is already energetic, and he even threatened me last night to come over and bring him stuffs back.” Hyung Joon pouted his lips complaining.

“He sure is okay, isn’t he?” HB asked to confirm.

“He sprained the muscle on his waist.” HJB answered.

“Sincha?” Why didn’t he mention this to her.

“Nuna, I’m sorry, I was too worried yesterday, and forgot to call you back telling you that Hyun Joong Hyung was okay and was discharged from the hospital.” HJB apologized.

No wonder why she didn’t receive his call, she almost forgets if he didn’t mention, “O, Kenchana1.” HB said.

“Hyun Joong Hyung said I didn’t call you back and got you worried for so long, he threatened me to pay back my guilt, and ordered me to do him the favour.” HJB continued complaining to HB.

“O,“ He understood how she felt, and that’s why he called her back.

Having lunch with Hyung Joon, while Hyung Joon’s still eating the tasty foods she prepared, he emphasized that he took great advantage coming over.

After lunch, she took the medicated balm that’s good for the muscle sprain, and put it together with the vacuum bottle then passed it to HJB for him to bring back to HJ.

The shock she got that day is enormously unbearable, this unwittingly led her to think again her innermost feeling, and started to prudently consider what he mentioned about the possibility of their future.

In the following days, whenever she got a message from him, she always feels thankful to god for bringing him back.

This day, HB receives a call from Yunho,

“Nuna, are you free tomorrow night?”

“I got a filming tomorrow, not sure what time could be finished, what’s the matter?” HB asked.

“Tomorrow is our debut 5th Anniversary2, we will be holding a party in the club, I would like to invite Nuna to join us.” Yunho said.

“Wow, there should be a lot of people coming, Nuna will definitely join this jolly party, when will the party end?” This is a big celebration, she should participate and congratulate them.

“Nuna could come after the filming, we will be there the whole night, Nuna could come anytime.” Yunho said.

“Okay, Nuna will come for sure.” HB said.

The next day, she got a message from HJ during the filming,

“Do you have any plan tonight?”

She finds it strange, he never asks question like this, feels like he wanted to date her. But she still honestly replies telling him that she will join Yunhos’ party after her filming.

“Around what time would the filming end?” He sent a message again asked.

“Probably around 10 o’clock, why?” She replied back.

“Arasho3, nothing” He didn’t reply after this. What is this, he’s such an inexplicable guy.

After the filming, it almost reached 10:30pm.
She hurries and gets changed into her ivory short dress, white short boots, wearing the pale yellow crystal earrings from Yunho, put on her white coat, and heading to the club.

End Note

1 Kenchana – Korean word means I’m okay in English.
2 TVXQ debut 5th Anniversity – February 5, 2009, and also celebrating birthday of Hero (January 26) and Yunho (February 6)
3 Arasho – Korean word means understand in English.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Autumn's Concerto / 下一站,幸福 3rd Stop

“Don’t shed tears for those who don’t care about you" (Ren Guang Xi)

“You think that just because you rescued her, you have the right to interfere with her life? If you’re nice to her now, how will she live in the future? You think that you can always stay by her side & protect her? Don’t be nice to her anymore, and don’t care about her. She has her own life. The more you are nice to her now, the more pain she will feel in the future. Because you will never be her family, because from beginning till end, she has always been alone." (Liang Mu Cheng)

“Did you ask for the bird’s permission when you rescued it? Hence, I don’t need to ask your permission to rescue you.” (Ren Guang Xi) 

" When I've decide what I want, I won't let it go. My hockey, My pet house, my bets, including the people that I care about." (Ren Guang Xi)

"If you come across any danger in the future, you don't have to scream until you lose your voice, you just need to call out the name Ren Guang Xi, and I will come to save you." (Ren Guang Xi)

I wonder if someone like RGX really exist...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ayumi Hamasaki involved in drug scandal?

Japanese pop princess Ayumi Hamasaki's record label Avex Trax, a subsidiary of Avex Entertainment, has reportedly been trying to transfer her management rights for one billion yen (S$15 million) after the singer became embroiled in a drug scandal involving colleague Manabu Oshio.

According to Japanese media reports, Avex arrived at this decision to prevent her drug scandal from affecting the record label's stock prices, though industry observers say the figure is simply too low to be true.

Oshio was arrested in December last year on suspicion of giving recreation drug Ecstasy to a hostess who later died of an overdose.

The pair were at a residence in the prestigious Roppongi Hills area rented by Oshio's friend Mika Noguchi, a prominent businesswoman.

The police are investigating Hamasaki's links to the case as Noguchi is her close friend, though rumours are rife that it was Oshio who directly implicated Hamasaki in a bid to save himself.

If these reports turn out to be true, they would mark a sharp reversal of fortune for the 31-year-old superstar.

Hamasaki was discovered by Avex Trax's current president, music producer Masato Matsuura, at a karaoke bar in 1998. He signed her to Avex Trax shortly after and she has been with the label ever since.

Hamasaki went on to become the only singer in Japan with a chart-topping album every year, consecutively for 11 years.

Channel News Asia

* Wargh!!! is this for real? well it's on the news but seriously will Ayumi do that? Just hope she's not involve in this kind of things. Hate to lose another talented artist.Pouty