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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Taming of The Heir / 천하무적 이평강 (2009)


Pyeong-gang moved to Gang-won Province, far away from Seoul as a teen due to her father’s occupation. Thanks to him, a renowned golf course designer, Pyeong-gang was able to fully understand every detail of golf course planning while growing up. Her father, however, unfortunately met with an untimely death before completing his ambitious work. Frustrated, Pyeong-gang tried to support the family, but the harsh reality didn’t allow her and the rest of the family to live a comfortable life.

8 years later.

Pyeong-gang who wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps to become a golf course designer, has to come to terms with the reality. She is now the bread-winner of the family, living paycheck by paycheck. She does chores at a resort town where she meets Ondal, the owner’s eldest son.

Ondal’s charismatic father Pyeong-on demands Ondal pass the semi-pro qualification test in a month .When he fails to make it, Ondal is told that he will be removed from the inheritance list due to his incompetence. To make matters worse, Pyeong-on collapses from a sudden stroke and in the midst of misfortune rumor circulates that Ondal’s step mother and her son are going to take over the resort town. Being cornered, Ondal has no other choice but to stand on his own feet, but for Ondal who lacks competence and determination, retaking the resort is beyond his capacity.

Ondal and Pyeong-gang on bad terms with each other from the first time they met, join hands and Pyeong-gang’s journey to taming the spoiled heir finally begins!

The cast:

Ji Hyeon Woo as Woo On Dal

Nam Sang Mi as Lee Pyeong Gang
Cha Ye Reon as Gwan Ja Rak

Kim Heung Soo as Je Yeong Ryoo

Seo Do Yeong as Edward
Choi Meong Gil as Queen Je / Mrs Je

Kil Yong Woo as Woo Pyeong Won

I think it's fun to watch this drama... Nam Sang Mi and Ji Hyeon Woo were funny in this drama. Both have strong character. So it's easy for me to get hooked to this drama coz their character were interesting enough for me.

JoKwon “Gain noona (older sister) is my first woman.

” 2Am’s JoKwon surprisingly confessed that, “I’ve never dated before” on MBC’s “We Got Married.”

On “We Got Married” BEG’s Gain and JoKwon have been cast as a make-believe married couple. In the last episode, during the testimonial about being a make-believe husband to Gain, he said, “Because I was waiting to be with Gain noona, I never dated.” This was very eye-catching.

Meanwhile, the two are two years apart in age and are an older woman/younger man couple. They began their marriage by aggressive quarreling. (Koreans often say that love quarreling begins some relationships.) JoKwon, age 21, was not acting like a young husband but very much like a mother-in-law who nagged and taught her how to do housework. This shocked Gain.

In addition, Gain and JoKwon, despite it being make-believe, sang improptu in harmony showing the true colors of the Singer/musician couple.

Source: 한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 박영주 기자 and tk1004@2oneday (trans)

Monday, December 28, 2009

My Latest Addiction

Okay guyz... be ready.

I've started my new addiction on a new couple in WGM and you don't have to guess LOL

I'll post more about Jo Kwon & Gain soon... and of coz I might put them in my other project too... I mean making the video...

The reason for me to like this couple is... hmmm

They're cute, funny and hmm... what else can I say... perfect.
I thought I won't get attached to the new couple but after watching them... I completely change my mind. Both were shy but yet lovable.


Kim Hyun Joong & Hwang Bo - 2 is Better Than 1

Last project for 2009.
I'm looking forward on creating on something much better than before.
When all Joongboers keep discussing about KHJ latest confession...
I keep telling myself... just believe what you want to believe....
and be happy with what you believe.

[INTERVIEW] Kang Dong-won

It took some time to get used to talking with Kang Dong-won. And it is not because of his slow way of speech. Kang is one who will listen to a question, remain silent for a long time and give his answer just when you are about to ask another question because you thought he would not answer your previous question. He is an actor who will think over both the question and answer in his head thorougly, check how geniune his answer is and then speak. That is why we were able to experience 'sincerity' -- a value we thought existed only in letters -- from Kang who is the star of recent hit Korean film "WOOCHI" ("JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard"). 

10: You had quit smoking when starting to film "M" -- have you taken it up again?
Kang Dong-won (Kang): I failed (to quit). It's hard not to smoke while working on a film because you get stressed. And you also go out to drink a lot after shoots so I'd smoke once in a while when I do. I'm going to try quitting again next year.

10: You mentioned stress. Director Choi Dong-hoon used the word 'hell' to express what it was like on set of "WOOCHI".
Kang: I think the rough time the actors and directors have on set is different though. I simply got bruised here and there because the action scenes in "JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard" is all about speed. There are a lot of scenes where I dash this way and that, fall or ram into places, get beaten up and run away.

10: Working with director Choi must have been very different from working with director Lee Myung-sae of your previous films the "Duelist" or "M".
Kang: They have very different styles. They're both great at details but differ in their methods. Director Choi creates complex stories while director Lee goes with simple stories but uses a lot of detail in telling them.

10: This is also a commercial film in the traditional sense.
Kang: But I thought "Duelist" was also a very commercial movie. In the midst of filming some people had told me it's becoming too much of an art film but I and director Lee had claimed that it was a commercial film. Both of us had misjudged entirely. (laugh) I can, however, confidently say that "JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard" is a commercial film.

10: Then do you want to prove that you have the star quality necessary in selling many tickets this time?
Kang: I hope I do. I want one of my films to be a hit before my 20s pass. We'll hit the break-even point if we draw in 4.5 million viewers so I hope we breach that first and then I hope I get to see it become a big hit by attracting twice as many moviegoers. Acting-wise, I want people to see that I can pull off such roles too.

10: Such roles as in?
Kang: Playing a fun mischievous character? I do want to prove that I can pull off whatever character I take on. I wanted to show I can be a pure unmarried man living in the countryside through "Don't Believe Her", a high school student in "Romance of Their Own" and an assassin from the Joseon Dynasty in "Duelist".

10: And did you achieve what you had aimed for with all your films?
Kang: Honestly, I Don't Look Back on a movie once I'm done filming because I'll consider my job done. I start preparing for my next role hoping to do well at it rather than check whether I achieved a goal I had set for my previous movie. It's not that I'm irresponsible and don't care for how people evaluate me. I know, better than anyone else, in which parts I lack so I prepare myself for my upcoming role rather than regretting on my past. I think it's better. I consider my upcoming film done too although we haven't even started promoting it yet. 

10: Then maybe that's why you have such a hard time while in promotion.
Kang: Yes, that might be why. I'm moving forward, thinking of what I should do next while also having to pull out what I think I'm already done doing.

10: There was a video of you once where you asked for the press release of your film before an interview.
Kang: It's so that I can explain the movie better since I'm usually bad at explaining things. I have to recognize in advance the difference between what I think of a movie versus what the promoters want to show the public about the movie. I don't want to get scolded in case I mess up. (laugh) The PR team will tell me I shouldn't have said certain things.

10: It seems you're very cautious. Do you not like saying things you aren't prepared for?
Kang: I don't like it because I might make mistakes. I'm okay with interviews like this one but I don't like making mistakes at bigger events like film festivals where the things I say could be misrepresented. Everyone makes mistakes but people say so much about even the smallest details. I don't like being talked about. Of course, I like it when people say I did well or I'm good looking but I really don't like hearing people say that I'm weird. Maybe it's because I'm the youngest of my family? (laugh) Because I'm so used to just being loved all the time?

10: Well you can't be praised all the time for a role.
Kang: Yes that's true. I guess I'm better at self-reproach in that sense. My brain knows what I need to do but I sometimes can't do it no matter how hard I try. Then I'll just pass, telling myself that it's something I can't do for now.

10: What didn't work out with "JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard"?
Kang: A scene where I tried to laugh heartily? I tried it for a scene where I think it would suit perfectly but it didn't work too well. There are several such minor scenes I hope had worked out better.

10: You seem to be greedy to do well with even the slightest details.
Kang: I'm a very detail-oriented person. A perfectionist.

10: You don't like to make mistakes plus are a perfectionist. What's more important between doing well and not making a mistake?
Kang: That's an important question. I shouldn't make a mistake... yet I guess doing well is more important. I think it's okay to make a mistake to the extent I can make a comeback later. But I should do well enough that it'll make up for my mistakes.

10: You're like an actress in the sense that you receive absolute support from fans of the opposite gender and are someone who we are unlikely to see in our daily lives. You used to talk about playing games and reading comic books but you've become even more of an unrealistic being for us after saying that you like to make furniture and like to go in the woods.
Kang: But I think I really did. I spent about a year just making furniture.

10: What is it about making furniture that attracted you so much?
Kang: There's a huge sense of achievement in making a piece of furniture in the design that I want. It feels great oiling my piece and seeing the texture of the wood come to life at the end of the whole process. And you can save quite a bit of money to making your own furniture. It costs about 400,000 to 500,000 won for the wood that goes into making a table but this is nothing compared to trying to buy a piece of furniture.

10: If you had shot some TV commercials as actor Kang Dong-won during that time...
Kang: Yes, people around me told me to do something else instead and just buy furniture with the money I make doing that. But I'm someone who likes to go after what he wants. 

10: But no matter how hard you look to do something you enjoy, isn't there a point it becomes work?
Kang: Yes, that is true. I started doing photoshoots because it was fun but it started becoming a concern and a hassle after having to prepare a dozen different articles of clothing everytime. You do have to end what you have started though. And there are times I feel proud after putting up with all of it. No matter what, I try my best to do things I can have fun with and if it isn't, I try to make the best out of the situation.

10: Then how do you try and enjoy your work as an actor?
Kang: I love competition. I only play against one other player when playing the game "Winning 11" at home too. This may be a sensitive issue but when I'm working on a film, I set other actors or the director as my competition and enjoy that competition alone.

10: Then what stimulated your competitive spirit with "JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard"?
Kang: First of all, the great cast. My personality is a bit twisted so when I'm filming with great actors, I think of how I can catch up with them rather than trying to learn from them.

10: And did you win?
Kang: It doesn't matter whether I actually did lose or win. I just hope I can become better than them some day. Such thoughts heat up the competition and makes everything more fun.

10: Did you not get hurt shooting the action scenes? The martial arts director praised you during an interview for pulling off even the most dangerous action scenes without a double.
Kang: I learned modern dance for about five months to shoot "Duelist" which helped me to act without tensing up my body so I didn't get hurt too much. I actually didn't have a personal trainer for "JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard" but focused on basic physical training and played soccer at action school. (laugh) So my experiences from "Duelist" helped a lot. My body had gotten used to creating curves. I think wire action is closer to dance than martial arts.

10: Do you have plans to make appearances on variety shows to promote "JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard"?
Kang: Actors have to talk about themselves a lot when they appear on such shows but I don't like talking about myself too much. I appeared on KBS' "Happy Together" a few years ago and I think that suited me the best because all I had to do was sing.

10: Then are there any variety shows you enjoy watching these days?
Kang: I've been watching "Two Nights and One Day" from KBS' "Happy Sunday" and MBC' "Infinite Challenge".

10: Would you not consider making a guest appearance on "Two Night and One Day"? I have a feeling it would suit you.
Kang: The producers of the show actually called me before shooting in Changwon because it's my hometown but I didn't go.

10: Do you have any thoughts to return to dramas?
Kang: None. My fans have been asking me to but I've told them I won't. And it's not because I don't trust the producers but I don't believe in the system of how dramas work. I don't like the fast tempo on set. I work slowly -- I'm the type that needs a lot of time with my acting but it's hard to do that while shooting dramas. I've never thought of appearing in dramas since "Magic".

10: Do you enjoy watching TV?
Kang: I watch it but only the sports channels. Always channels number 501, 503 and 506. (laugh) I watch mostly soccer and baseball.

10: The Premier League for soccer?
Kang: Yes. But I'm having a rough time trying to watch Park Joo-young's matches since he moved to the French league because of the time difference. The matches for the Premiere League will air at 10 P.M. in Korea sometimes but it's very difficult with the French league because they usually air at around 3 or 4 A.M.

10: As much as you like soccer, you must have some things to say about the World Cup drawings. Is there a team you hope wins other than Korea?
Kang: I usually root for the teams that have players I like. I hope England does well since they have players like Steve Gerrard.

10: Do you have any fashion tips for guys being the fashionista you are?
Kang: You just have to invest a lot of time and money in clothes. You have to study it a lot, do a lot of shopping and read fashion magazines. But there's a small number of magazines for men so if you want to learn more, you should read foreign publications or even look at books with collections if you're even more serious.

10: You're mindset is changing as you age but why doesn't it show on your face?
Kang: I could tell (I changed) when I monitored myself on screen. I used to look young for my age in the past, like a kid. But I think that changed this time and the director said so too.

10: It's a bit unique to see someone as good looking as you speaking with a certain dialect. Would you consider changing it?
Kang: I would like to. I talked to Song Kang-ho about it since he talks in a Gyeongsang Province dialect but he said I should speak however way I want. I'm still thinking of changing it though because although he is correct in some ways, I feel deep down inside that it's not right for me to speak with a dialect.

Reporter : Wee Geun-woo, Yoon Hee-Seong 
Photographer : Chae ki-won 
Editor : Jessica Kim, Lee Ji-Hye
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

[INTERVIEW] Kang Dong Won

It took some time to get used to talking with Kang Dong-won. And it is not because of his slow way of speech. Kang is one who will listen to a question, remain silent for a long time and give his answer just when you are about to ask another question because you thought he would not answer your previous question. He is an actor who will think over both the question and answer in his head thorougly, check how geniune his answer is and then speak. That is why we were able to experience 'sincerity' -- a value we thought existed only in letters -- from Kang who is the star of recent hit Korean film "WOOCHI" ("JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard"). 

10: You had quit smoking when starting to film "M" -- have you taken it up again?
Kang Dong-won (Kang): I failed (to quit). It's hard not to smoke while working on a film because you get stressed. And you also go out to drink a lot after shoots so I'd smoke once in a while when I do. I'm going to try quitting again next year.

10: You mentioned stress. Director Choi Dong-hoon used the word 'hell' to express what it was like on set of "WOOCHI".
Kang: I think the rough time the actors and directors have on set is different though. I simply got bruised here and there because the action scenes in "JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard" is all about speed. There are a lot of scenes where I dash this way and that, fall or ram into places, get beaten up and run away.

10: Working with director Choi must have been very different from working with director Lee Myung-sae of your previous films the "Duelist" or "M".
Kang: They have very different styles. They're both great at details but differ in their methods. Director Choi creates complex stories while director Lee goes with simple stories but uses a lot of detail in telling them.

10: This is also a commercial film in the traditional sense.
Kang: But I thought "Duelist" was also a very commercial movie. In the midst of filming some people had told me it's becoming too much of an art film but I and director Lee had claimed that it was a commercial film. Both of us had misjudged entirely. (laugh) I can, however, confidently say that "JEON WOO CHI : The Taoist Wizard" is a commercial film.

10: Then do you want to prove that you have the star quality necessary in selling many tickets this time?
Kang: I hope I do. I want one of my films to be a hit before my 20s pass. We'll hit the break-even point if we draw in 4.5 million viewers so I hope we breach that first and then I hope I get to see it become a big hit by attracting twice as many moviegoers. Acting-wise, I want people to see that I can pull off such roles too.

10: Such roles as in?
Kang: Playing a fun mischievous character? I do want to prove that I can pull off whatever character I take on. I wanted to show I can be a pure unmarried man living in the countryside through "Don't Believe Her", a high school student in "Romance of Their Own" and an assassin from the Joseon Dynasty in "Duelist".

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Promise (Chapter 14 & 15)

Chapter 14

Christmas is coming.
The Christmas two years ago is the painful memory for her. HB locked herself at home, obliviously walking around, or unconsciously tidy-up this and that, otherwise, she will feel the enormous pain that take hold of her, that deep pain seems to rip her heart apart, she couldn’t help it but cried her heart out.

Although her wounded heart heals over these years, Christmas for her is no longer a Happy and Merrry Holiday, it always covers with the pale sadness. Don’t want to keep this day in mind, but everyone around her always reminds her. Her friends keep on calling her asking her what her plan for Christmas, wanting to invite her to the Christmas Party.

She refused all of them, she just wanted to spend the day quietly by herself. But this time she received a call from Ryu Shi-won1, said he got a concert on Christmas day in Japan, and asked her if she wants to come.

“Sure.” She replied at once doesn’t even have a second thought.

This is what she wanted, cheering for her Oppa2, in the meantime, spending an undisturbed Christmas in Japan.

On the 23th, while filming Infinity Girls, HB received a call from Yunho.

“Hello, Yunho, How would you remember to give nuna a call?” She said.

“Oh, nuna can you talk right now?” Yunho replied.

“No problem, go ahead.”

“We are staying in Seoul for Christmas this year, planning to have a party, and I want to invite nuna to join us …… Jinnie Hyung will come too.” Yunho said.

“Ar, I’m sorry, nuna got plan already, couldn’t make it to the party, you all have a good time.” HB said.

“Really? ……” , “Then, you could join us afterward, we’re staying all night.” Yunho said.

“Nuna is going to Japan, will spend the Christmas Eve and Christmas day there.” HB said.

“ …… Alas, Oh, Too Bad! ……” Yunho made a big sigh.

“Ha ha, don’t be sad, nuna will treat you to dinner after my trip to Japan.” She smiled and said. He is that disappointed only because she cannot join, he is such a cute young man.

His message came shortly after Yunho’s call,

“How would you spend your Christmas?” HB smiled bitterly, seems like she really cannot get away from this topic.

“Going to Japan for Ryu Shi-won’s concert, how about you?”

“I don’t have time for Christmas, you go alone?” HJ replied.

“Bae Bo-ram comes with me.”

“When are you going?”

“Tomorrow morning’s Flight.”

“Got it, Be Careful.”

“Ok, sure, Rest as much as you can, eat well.”

HB put her phone down, absent-minded. What kind of relationship is this between them? He just forthrightly asking her schedule, and she replies him unreservedly; he didn’t use honorific to her, and she forget to remind him to use them; he naturally telling her to be careful, and she always cares and repeatedly tells him to take enough rest or to eat well. Things started to slowly deviate from what she conceived of.

She thought she already armoured herself enough emotionally, but was defeated completely in front of all the coincidences happened between them, all she could do is to helplessly allowing things develop naturally. Coincidently seeing him walking out and staying by the café near her apartment that night; coincidently receiving his call while having dinner with Hyung Joon; and the coincidence that really can’t be explained is what happened in Macau. His call she received at the moment she`s going to leave, asking her where she is. She’s afraid and hesitates to answer. Then, he told her to look on her left, she could hear a bell 'Ding' in her head, feeling her uncontrollable emotion rushing upward. Slowly turned to the left, really saw him standing twenty meters away. That instant, she felt like all the noise and people around them disappeared, all she could feel is only him and her remained. Next thing she realized, she saw his smile, so bright and satisfied. She could still feel her pounding heart when she thought of that shocking moment.

End Note:

1 Ryu Shi-won – a Korean actor and singer. After one of the dramas he appeared in-"Beautiful Days"- was aired in Japan, he has become very popular there. He's been very active both as an actor and a singer in Japan lately. Ryu Shi-won and Hwangbo are car racer buddies, they knew each other for a long time, Hwangbo treats him like a big brother. But On IG episode 70 (infinity girls where Hwangbo is one of the MC), Hwangbo revealed that she once thought of Ryu Shi-won as a man who she wanted to marry to. She also made him the Valentine’s chocolate on the IG Valentine’s special episode. From that episode, Hwangbo also revealed that she went to Ryu Shi-won’s concert in Japan with Bae Bo-ram during Christmas 2008.

2 Oppa – An elder brother, this is how female in Korean called her elder brother.

Chapter 15

It`s almost 10pm after the IG filming, HB and BBR are discussing who and what to bring to Japan, and to confirm the meeting time in the airport the next morning. BBR is really excited, Shi-won Oppa is her idol, she particularly got approval from her boyfriend for her to spend the Christmas in Japan with Hwangbo.

While HB tidy up getting ready to go home, her phone rang, it`s from Hyung Joon.

“Nuna, are you still in the TV station?” HJB said.

“Yep, what’s the matter?” HB asked.

“Don’t go yet, wait for me.” HJB hanged up before HB could say anything.

This young master! Don’t know what’s up with him, she has to wait for him in her waiting room. HJB arrived shortly; he was puffing after running in.


“Why are you rushing like this?”

“That is …….for this, da da da da.” HJB took out a present that is nicely wrapped in the light blue wrapping paper. He brings it in front of HB and puffed out a few words at the same time.

“This is the Christmas present from Hyun Joong Hyung.” HJB said happily.

HB receives the present from HJB and said, “Thank you.”

“My mission accomplished, our rehearsal is not done yet, I have to go, bye bye.” HJB is running out while talking to her.

But suddenly stops at the door, and turns back, “Oh, almost forgot, Nuna Merry Christmas!” Then HJB’s rushing and puffing out again.

HB undid the wrapping paper, opening the nice case, and it’s a necklace with a distinctive pendant. The unique pendant holds a lot of meanings, it looks familiar, she thought she seen this before. While she’s taking a closer look at the pendant, a message came in.

“Have you received it yet?” It’s him, so fast!

“I got it, it’s very pretty, thank you.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t have time to choose the present; this is the pendant I designed awhile ago.” No wonder why it looks familiar, she saw him wore it before.

“Don’t be sorry, it’s really nice.” She is really touched by his heartfelt intention.
Looks like she has to sincerely think of what she will give him as Christmas present.

The next day, HB and BBR are arrived Japan around noon time, Ryu Shi-won (RSW) arranged his staff to pick them up in the airport and bring them to the hotel. After they settled down and had lunch, they went to look for RSW where he is practicing and arranging in the last rehearsal.

He stopped when he saw them, and smiles while he’s walking towards them.

“Oppa”, HB steps forward to hug RSW.

“Thank you for coming, Hwangbo ar.” RSW hugs her and lightly pats on her back.

“This is Bae Bo-ram, she’s really your die-hard fan.” HB introduces BBR to RSW.

“Welcome,” RSW shakes hand with BBR.

They chat for a short while, RSW continues with his rehearsal. Then, the girls went up to the control room, and watch his rehearsal. They are amazed and admired how detailed and precise he is on each detail, making sure everything is in place, the audio, the lighting, microphones, dancers, the rundown, ……

HB has her respect to her Oppa. Although he has a wealthy and historic family background1, he worked even harder than the others not letting down his family name.

After the rehearsal, everyone including the crews have dinner together. When they came back from the restaurant, fans are already lining up outside the concert hall.

HB and BBR go directly to the VIP section, and RSW is getting ready in the backstage. The concert is a big success, there are about 20,000 fans came and enjoyed the concert. HB and BBR are cheering loudly and sing along from the beginning all the way to the end, their voice became hoarse.

After the concert, they brought the flowers with them and rushed to the backstage. RSW is sitting on the sofa leaning towards the armrest.

“Oppa, Oppa, this is awesome.” HB said eagerly. She gives the flowers to RSW, and still very excited.

“Getting old, I couldn’t straighten up my waist.” RSW stated.

“Are you kidding me? Oppa is always the most attractive Hallyu2 star.” HB said.
RSW laughs and lightly rubs HB’s hair, “Those are such sweet words.”

“I’m telling the truth, did you hear? My voice is getting husky cuz I’m cheering and singing along all the time.” HB said.

Oh? Really? I couldn’t tell, your voice always sounds husky.” RSW replied.

“Oppa……” HB said nagging at RSW.

Everyone starts to laugh. The after-party is right after the concert, HB and BBR are invited as well. Everyone is enjoying themselves in the party, celebrates heartily, drinks a lot and getting high. RSW was told to leave early because of his waist injury, the girls are leaving with him. In RSW’s limousine, BBR is sitting in the passenger seat, because she’s light headed after drinking. HB and RSW are sitting at the back, they are chatting casually. HB looks down at the cell phones, it’s almost mid-night, and she received a lot of Christmas blessings.

“Know how Happiness looks like?” RSW suddenly says.

She puzzled, looks up to RSW, seeing he looks at the window.
Is he talking to her? Or he soliloquizes?

This time HB met RSW in Japan, she found her Oppa is different, he seems to think a lot, seems to have some concerns in mind. Although he still laughs like before, even in the lively partying times, she can feel his forlorn look. In her mind, he is an invincible Oppa, she feels off guarded seeing this side of him.
She wants to console him, but doesn’t know how to start. All she could do is to quietly listen to him,

“Trying my best to look for happiness, in fact, it already came and knocked silently but I kept it away heartlessly.” RSW keeps looking at the window, but his voice sounds disconsolate.

She thoroughly deliberates his words. It is now mid-night, a message received at this moment.

It’s from him, “Merry Christmas”

Her heart pounds deeply.

End Note:

1 RSW’s family - Ryu revealed that he is the 14th-generation descendant of the Joseon Dynasty Prime Minister, Yu Seong-ryong (credit to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

2 Hallyu – The Korean wave or Korea fever refers to the increased popularity of South Korean culture around the world since the 21st century, especially among the Millennial Generation. (credit to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

只想戒毒, from Chinese Ssangchu Baidu Island
Additional information from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

© [只想戒毒 & ydwlai] 2009. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of [只想戒毒 & ydwlai].

Friday, December 25, 2009

Super Junior Members Filed Lawsuit Against SM Entertainment

[Sina Entertainment News] The day before, Hangeng, the only Chinese member of Asia’s super popular group, Super Junior, filed for termination of his exclusive contract with SM Entertainment.

According to the latest news from Korea, Hangeng is not the only one who filed the lawsuit. Other Super Junior members have also filed a similar lawsuit, and they include: Lee Teuk, Yesung, Kangin, Eun Hyuk and Donghae. The only reason why news about Hangeng was found out first, is because of his nationality.

According to the lawsuit, Hangeng has not had any rest in 2 years, causing him to suffer from fatigue, which also resulted in chronic gastritis, illnesses related to his kidney, lumbar disc herniation, as well as a visible decrease in body strength.

However, SM Entertainment rejected Hangeng’s requests for rest, and continued to schedule activities for him, which caused Hangeng to suffer a lot of pain.

According to the contents of the lawsuit, since the time of his debut, Hangeng didn’t even have one day of rest per week. For 2 years, Hangeng has continuously done his overseas schedules as well, and had no choice but to continue with his schedules without any rest. In his contract with SM, there are clauses stating that he has to pay the company monetary damages should he be unable to fulfill the schedules arranged for him. Thus, even when he was in poor health, he had no choice but to follow through with his schedules.

Once the news broke out, many fans have expressed the wish for SM and the members to be able to make peace, and make changes to their contracts, as well as expressed hope that Super Junior will not face the threat of disbanding.

There has been no news coverage from Korean news media yet

Source: [Sina]
Translation credits:
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* I've read an article about Hangeng filing the lawsuit... but I don't take it seriously but after reading this article well I change my mind... so this is real.

SM do need to change the way they threat their artists or else we will soon read an article say's 'SME facing bankcruptcy and closing down'.

Promise (Chapter 12 & 13)

Chapter 12

HB got a new show, confirmed to be filmed in Hong Kong1. The most exciting thing for her is, she got a chance to learn the professional make-up techniques from the maestro, and maybe she could even get the make-up artist certificate.

HJ’s filming in Macau2, before he leaves, he sent her a message. It’s been 3 days already since his last message.

She is a bit worry, he at least sent her a message in 2 days, but it’s been 3 days now, is there something happened to him? She’s been searching the internet, nothing was released, but no news is good news.

She thought of asking the young masters, HBJ and KKJ, but give up the idea, she don’t know how to start.

She also thought of sending him a message instead, but she drafts then changed, again drafts then changed, after finding herself doing the same thing over and over, she knows she couldn’t send.

She could only wait……
Every time a message received, she will immediately pick up the phone to see if the message is from him.

Habit is a horrible thing; she still remembered how puzzled she was when she first started to receive those weird messages from him, now, she is so fidgety not receiving them.

Tomorrow, she’s going to Hong Kong. HB made up her mind, at mid-night, if she did not received a message from him, she will send him one telling him her filming in Hong Kong.

Time passes minute by minute, 11:50pm, she sighed, didn’t put her hope up, and finally pick up the phone.

Suddenly, a message received, it’s from him.
Smile got shows up on her face.

“They are rushing to film my part these days, finally got a chance to take a break.”

“Make sure to grab as much sleep as possible, I will go to Hong Kong tomorrow, filming around a week.” HB replied quickly.

Another message from him came in shortly,

“Will you film in Macau?”

“I don’t know, probably not.”

“Too bad”

“Let’s focus back on filming.”

She put the phone down, her nerve-racking heart finally settles down. Getting a good night sleep, her Hong Kong journey starts. On her arrival, the Hong Kong crews arranged transportation and bring them to the hotel. Their hotel is in Causeway Bay. This is not the first time HB visited Hong Kong, she loves this cosmopolitan city, and you could feel the energetic mode of the city. Slightly settled down in the hotel, they went directly to Bobbi Brown, the sponsor of this show, and to confirm the filming schedule. Bobbi Brown sent their famous international make-up maestro, Sebastian, to work with HB, she will work as Sebastian’s student, learning all the make-up techniques and applications. Sebastian is very nice and patient. Just his passionate welcome hug is a bit too much for her to bear, she feels shy. Time flies while she’s learning the make-up techniques that she most interested in, the filming process is so enjoyable and rewarding.

She successfully received the professional make-up artist certificate.

Last day of filming is about her going around Hong Kong sightseeing, it went smoothly. They thought it will take the whole day, but they are done around 3pm. They are going back to Korea tomorrow morning, since they finished off early, the crews got some spare time themselves. Most of them are going shopping, some are going to taste different foods in Hong Kong.

Her two photographer friends ask her if she wants to join them to visit Macau for some photos.

While she’s still considering, her voice reacts faster than her mind, she hears herself say “Sure”, and she is shock.

They take the ferry to Macau, and it takes only an hour to go from Hong Kong. Arrived in Macau, they go directly to the famous A-Ma Temple, and took a lot of photos.

Coming out from the temple, it’s around early evening.

They took some snacks from the street, the two photographers are excitedly looking at the bright lights from the Casino, wanting to try their luck.

But she’s not interested, so they confirm to meet in the ferry terminal at 10pm, and she’s going to walk around by her own.

Walking in the street in a foreign country, she found herself enjoying it, it feels relax and peaceful.

She told HJ a few days ago that she’ll not be able to come to Macau, but now, she’s strolling in Macau by herself.

By the time she arrived Hong Kong, the messages he sent are like ‘I’m filming in this and that location’, or ‘I’m changing to this hotel today’, those are unfamiliar places to her, all she could reply is an interjection, “oa!”

Couldn’t figure out what he meant by that, he is totally impalpable.

All of a sudden, a thought catches her, is he anticipate her to come to Macau? Anticipating her to look for him?

When these questions flash in mind, she feels the upsurge of emotion.

She already arrived in Macau, there’s no reason why she won’t go take a look ……

But seems like there is no adequate reason she should go ……

If she won’t go, will she regret ……

He’s been so busy filming, probably she won’t be able to meet him anyway ……

But what if they do meet, what she would say ……

Struggling for a moment, she decided to go, just watch from afar, it’ll be nice if she sees him; if not, at least she won’t regret.HB takes out her cell phone, search for the message he sent today, waved for a taxi, then told the drive the address. It’s close by, she arrives shortly, and it’s a luxury hotel.She could see a lot of people even from afar, that’s should be the filming site. The taxi stopped distance away from the crowd.

She stays away from the crowd, but trying to find the familiar face from the crowd. Looking for a long while, her eyes are even getting sore, she couldn’t find him. Although HB keeps in mind that there is chance she won’t be able to see him, she still got a bit disappointed.

At the moment she turns away and leaves, her phone rings.

End Note:

1 Hong Kong – In December 2008, Hwang Bo got a new show, The Olive Show ColorHolic with Bobbi Brown Makeup Cosmetic. They filmed in Hong Kong in December but the actual filming date was not released. The duration of the filming is in one week time.

2 Macau – In December 1st, 2008, the Crew of BOF went to Macau for overseas filming, it lasted for two weeks. Around February 2009, rumour said Kim Hyun Joong fainted during the shooting in Macau.

Chapter 13

It’s already in mid-December, but Macau is still nice and warm, light ocean breeze flowing through the open window, and touches him, it’s so relaxing. With the cosy breeze flowing in, he started to yawn and stretch himself, then lying comfortably in the car.

HJ just finished filming his portion, and got twenty minutes break. Where he is now is distance away from the crowd, he could enjoy some quite moments.

‘Try to grab as much sleep as possible’, ‘Make sure to grab as much sleep as you can’
Those are mostly the replies from her.

Smile climbs on his face.

He’s thinking of his luck recently, he feels that god once again is blessing him. That night, after having dinner with Jae Joong, Yunho and YooChun, he feels so down, even staying by the café looking in the direction of her apartment couldn’t help to get rid of the emptiness in him.

Knowing she would keep her promise and wait until his drama ends, but if she’s not responding him, he doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t even have time to make his effort.

On his way back to the dorm, he couldn’t believe he got a message from her.


He read it several times, still couldn’t believe his eyes, he doubted if she sent it by mistake. No matter what’s the reason, even if it was sent by accident, he’s still very excited, this is the first message from her since a really long time. He thought accident won’t happen twice, but he got a quick reply from her again the next day, then the third, fourth, fifth ……

All he can do is to thank God for her changes. In his condition right now, he’s so grateful for getting her messages. But more than that, he got a chance to talk to her. This time, besides thanking God, he has to thank Hyung Joon. HJB sent him a message that afternoon, “Hyung, you have to call me tonight.” He’s such an odd fellow, he wanted to ignore him at first, but he still phoned in the end, worrying if they got in trouble. He didn’t know Hyung Joon is with her, the moment Hyung Joon said he will hand the phone to her, he heard his heartbeats. She told him to catch as much rest as possible, ate more, get some herbal supplements; although her unique voce is a bit husky, those words warm and smooth his heart.

Afterward, Hyung Joon told him they met Yunho too, but he didn’t say anything.
Her warm heart glows like sunshine, strongly attracting those who feel cold and bitter, just like him.

Arrived in Macau, the crews were mainly filming him for two days straight. When he finally got a chance to send her a message, he fainted, because of exhaustion, the crews blocked this incident, and no news was leak out. Because of this delay, when he finally sent her a message, he found out she is going to Hong Kong the next day. Hong Kong and Macau are very close; don’t know if she got a chance to come to Macau. Although he knows the chance is slim, he still wants to tell her his filming locations, and the hotel he is staying. In case, just in case, she’s coming to Macau, he will not let ‘I don’t know where he is’ be the excuse she’s not coming to see him.

She probably went back to Korea already.

Take a look at his watch, he still got 5 minutes, he sits up and stretches his sore shoulder. He causally looks around, suddenly a sight of a girl’s back catches his attention. She ties her hair up with a high pony-tail, wearing a tartan pattern shirt and blue jeans; she is standing about twenty meters away.

She really looks like her! Omo, he thinks he’s imagining too much, he teases himself, but couldn’t take his eyes off her. The girl turns to his way, he finally sees her face.

He immediately jumps up, rushing out of the car. He saw her signalling the taxi to come forward, he hurries up to dial her number.

“Hello ……” HJ said, saw her picked up the phone.

“Hello, how would you call?” She said

“Where ……are you now?”

“ …… “ Silent from her end.

“Look to your left side.” He is controlling his emotion, trying to say it as calm as possible.

She turns slowly, then they find their gazes entangled. They feel like the time freeze in this magic moment. Finding the one he missed the most looking at him in a foreign country, his emotion seizes him, and he could not say a word. Quietly looking at each other, he feels the happiness filling from the bottom of his heart, little by little until it pours out. He spreads out a big smile. And she smiles at him too.

He finally says, “Thank you.”

“The filming ends early, we have spare time. I’m going back tomorrow.” HB said.

Someone far away is calling his name, “You have to go, it’s your turn now, I need to go too, bye.” She’s waving at him.

“I will watch you leave.” HJ watches HB gets in the Taxi, he finally hangs up. This enchanting encounter is a secret among them, and this is the first time they met since they parted.

For his following filming, even the director praises him for his sensational smiles.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Kim Hee Chul

Name: Kim Hee Chul (김희철)
D.O.B : 10th July 1983
Star Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: AB
Hobbies: writing poems, writing stories, computer games, drawing

Official Twitter Page

Pre-Super Junior

He was discovered at Starlight Casting System October 2002 where he joined the auditions on a whim with his friends. Even though he was late because of unfamiliar places, he still passed the audition because of his dance. Initially, Heechul was placed in a four-member project group called, "Four Seasons." This group included other members Jaejoong, Yunho, and Kang-in. The prospective group never came through though as both Jaejoong and Yunho were chosen to join another all-male singing group, TVXQ, which debuted in December 2003. With two members gone, the idea of Four Seasons dropped. Heechul and Kang-in were then placed in Super Junior along with ten other trainees under the same company. This project group managed through well and debuted two years later on November 6, 2005 under the name Super Junior 05, the first generation of Super Junior. The initial plan for this group is that members would be continuously cycled in and then fazed out into other projects.

Other activities of Heechul before his official debut include modeling, acting, and VJing. He made his first appearance on TV starring in the teen drama “Banolim 2”.
Official Debut: Super Junior

On November 6, 2005, Kim Heechul officially debuted as part of Super Junior 05 on SBS “Inkingayo,” performing the group's first single “TWINS (Knock Out)”. The group was supposed to comprise the first generation of Super Junior. In early 2006, SM Entertainment was beginning to recruit new members for the next Super Junior generation, Super Junior 06, where Heechul would still be an undergraduate member. However, plans changed. The company decided to add a thirteenth member, Kyuhyun, and declared a halt in forming future Super Junior generations. The group dropped the suffix “05″ and became officially credited as Super Junior.

The re-polished group hit it big after it released the first CD single “U” the following summer in 2006. "U" became Super Junior’s most successful single in the music charts until the release of “Sorry, Sorry” in March 2009. However, setbacks occurred for the promotions of “U” in the later half of the year when Heechul suffered a major injury from a car accident that occurred on August 10, 2006.
Car Accident

On August 10, 2006, Heechul was involved in a car accident while heading back to Seoul from Mokpo after attending the funeral of fellow Super Junior member Lee Donghae’s father. The tires malfunctioned while his car attempted to switch lanes. Heechul fractured his left leg in five places, including his femur, knee, and ankle, requiring him to be in surgery for six hours. He also sustained other injuries, including a tear in his tongue which required stitches.

Heechul was advised to stop all activities for a period of twelve weeks. He was released from the hospital on September 13, 2006 but he continued to receive out-patient care. He returned to the hospital to have a second surgery to remove some of the iron rods in his leg on October 10 and briefly returned to work in late October to film the final three episodes of an MBC youth sitcom while still in a cast and on a wheelchair. He made his comeback on November 25 of the same year during the Mnet KM Music Festival (MKMF) Awards but it was only in late December that Heechul officially returned to individual activities such as variety show appearances and hosting appearances.

In 2007, Heechul started to perform regularly despite still having a few rods that the doctors had attached to his leg. In late April and May 2007, he had recovered enough to be able to take part in Super Junior's strenuous dance routines. The remaining rods in his leg were removed in 2008.
Super Junior-T

Heechul became part of a Super Junior sub-group, Super Junior-T, which debuted on February 23, 2007 with the Trot “teuroteu” single “Rokuko!!!” (65 로꾸거; [RoKuGo (backwards) spelled backwards]).
2007 to Present

In 2007, Heechul participated in Super Junior's second album Don't Don, the band's “Super Show” tour, and filmed Super Junior's first movie “Attack on the Pin-Up Boys”.

In 2008, he was active in Super Junior's activities: the visit to Japan, their second photobook “Boys at City Season 2″ (shot in Tokyo) and the “Super Show Encore” concert.

In 2009, Super Junior released their third album Sorry, Sorry, which was released on March 13. Their title song "Sorry Sorry" was immensely popular and claimed #1 positions on all major charts. After the first week of sales, the album topped the Hanteo Chart, with 30,000 copies sold just on its first day of release. As well as this, the song achieved its first #1 on KBS's Music Bank on March 27 - only two weeks after their comeback stage. The song continued to prove it's popularity, winning a total of 5 #1's on Music Bank and a triple crown on SBS's Inkigayo.

The group then released a follow up repackage of their third album called It's You, which was released on May 11. The comeback performance was made on May 17 on SBS's Inkigayo, and on the following week made performances on KBS's Music Bank, where they won their first K-Chart for the song on May 22. The promotions for the song was cut short due to the group's second live concert tour.

On May 13, 2010, Super Junior released their fourth album Bonamana and made a comeback stage on KBS Music Bank on the 14th. The album once again proved the group's popularity, selling over 36,000 copies on its first day of release - more than that of their third album.

On June 28, 2010, Super Junior released their repackaged album with three new tracks - "No Other", "All My Heart", "A Short Journey" - and the remixed version of "Shake It Up!".
Television and Acting career

Like bandmate Kibum, Heechul made his first television appearance as an actor before the debut of Super Junior. He starred in the 2005 teen drama, Sharp 2, in which he acted alongside Kibum. Not long afterwards, Heechul appeared in an episode of Loveholic as a chef trainee. After the debut of Super Junior, Heechul teamed with Kibum again to star in the sixth season of Nonstop, alternatively known as Rainbow Romance. In 2006, Heechul starred as the supporting character Gong Min in Bad Family. In 2007, he starred in the popular family drama Golden Bride as Kim Young-soo.

Heechul began to appear on numerous variety shows such as Vitamin, Sponge, Xman and Love Letter. Kim Heechul can also be seen in advertisements for various Korean brands.

From September 9 to November 9, 2008, Heechul and Kang-in starred in the Korean version of the musical Xanadu, sharing the lead role Sonny. Auditions and casting picks were done via a reality television (To Be Kang-in and Heechul), which also served to promote the musical.

Heechul was also on a TV show called Joahseo or Good Daddy, where he and three other celebrities, including Lee HongKi from FT Island, learned to be good fathers by caring for a "daughter". After Good Daddyshow, he become close friend with Lee HongKi and their close relationship enable them to be chosen in Save Energy Campaign in the middle of 2009. Heechul was also in “Band of Brothers” with Super Junior's Kang-in, and Jungmo and Jay from “The TRAX”. In the show, the band paid tribute to famous and different groups during their showcase at the end of the program.
Hosting stints

Heechul began hosting before his music debut. He was a regular MC for the cable music show Show! Music Tank. He was also a substitute MC for Andy of Shinhwa on SBS “Inki Gayo” on numerous occasions. Heechul also became a permanent host for SBS “Inki Gayo” with Korean actor Jang Geun Suk on February 25, 2007.

He hosted his own radio show, SBS Power FM Youngstreet along with Park Heebon, but the program ended in mid-2006. After the 55-episode drama "Loving You Ten Million Times" ended in early 2010, he returned to SBS radio as a DJ to host his own radio program, "HeeChul's Young Street." The show, which started airing on 29 March 2010, is broadcast by Power FM 107.7 MHz from 8:00 to 10:00 pm (Korea Time). The program is his first comeback as a DJ in four years.

In May 2010, he was announced as a regular cast member on Family Outing 2. The show ended two months later due to low ratings.


Heechul is known to fans as a netizen due to the large amounts of time he spends on the internet.

Most recently, Heechul has been very active on twitter. On October 9, he created a personal facebook, which collected 5,000 friend requests within 5 minutes. He was also a worldwide trending topic on Twitter for four days (from 9 Oct 2010 to 12 Oct 2010).

TV Series

Loveholic: “Young Chef/Cameo” (KBS, 2005)
Sharp 2: “Baek Jin-woo” (KBS2, 2005)
Bad Family: “Gong Min” (SBS, 2006)
Rainbow Romance: “Himself” (MBC 2005-2007)
Golden Bride: “Kim Young-soo” (SBS, 2008)
TaeHee HyeGyo JiHyun: “Himself/Cameo” (MBC, 2009)
I Love You Ten Million Times: “Lee Chul” (SBS, 2009–2010)


Attack on the Pin-Up Boys: “Himself” (2007)

Music Video appearances

"Flight Girl" (비행소녀) – Magolpy [Vitamin Entertainment, Korea] with Kang-in & Shindong
[2010] "가슴이 차가운 남자 (Let You Go)" - TRAX (band) with Victoria Song
[2010] "Shady Girl"- Sistar

Disc jockey

Young Street Radio (영스트리트) : November 1, 2005–April 30, 2006 (with Park Heebon)
SBS Power FM, HeeChul's Young Street: 29 March 2010 – present


Hee Chul has that pretty girl look... no matter how hard he try to look manly... still the first words that come up in my head is 'oh... so pretty...'