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Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Tutor Friend 2

Sound interesting for me at first especially when the title is My Tutor Friend 2...and of coz I would like to watch something that more refresh and great as they have made it to the My Tutor Friend...
But I got a little bit frustrated with the storyline, well at first I thought it was cool and funny but it's only work for me for the first 15 minutes...and the rest hmmm...not a totally junk but some plot just not right and something is missing somewhere...but it was quite good that the actors has that good look on them so I can stand it untill the end of the show...but out of 5 I only give it 3 matter how good the actors is when the storyline is bad then the results will be bad too Hurmph. Watch it if you want to have just something fun and new...but if you're hoping more from it I don't think you should watch this...well it depends on you anyway some might think it good and some might not...

remember we don't have same feels and taste so maybe you should watch it and tell what do you think...

Plot Synopsis : 

Junko (Lee Cheong Ah) is a half japanese half korean, having a big crush with one of the exchange student from Korea call Woo-sung, in order to reunite again with her crush she managed to be a an exchange student in Korea. While in Korea she live in aguest house that is run by a friendly guy call Ha-ryong and his son Joong-man (Park Ki Woong) who is the same age with Junko and also attend the same univesity with her. While staying in Korea all that Junko's need is to learn the korean language and Joong-man is happened to be her tutor. Joong-man who has no interest on teaching Junko started giving her a lesson which is none of them help Junko on her study.

Joong-man is a guy who work hard and keep everything by himself. No matter how bad he feels he would never tell it to anyone. Feeling bad about his friend who was injured while boxing tournament which is match with him make him stop on pursuing his passionate on boxing.

Both of them become closer in no time and love is actually is around the corner...

The cast:


Park Ki woongBirthday: Feb., 13, 1985
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Blood Type: O
Education: Kyeong-an High School; currently a student at Daejin University
Movie - 2005~ Guidam (Japanese Movie); 2006 ~ Art of Fighting; 2007~ My Tutor Friend 2 .
Drama - Joseon Detective Story (MBC)
Other - SKY PMP phone CF, SBS TV Box Office Show, K2's 사랑을 드려요 MV.

이청아 / Lee Chung Ah (Lee Cheong Ah)
Date of birth: 1984 October 25
Height: 165cm
Weight: 46kg
Blood type: A
Talent agency: SidusHQ
TV Series
Let’s Go To The Beach (SBS, 2005)


Sunday Seoul (2005)
Temptation of Wolves (2004)
Happy Ero Christmas (2003)
Resurrection of the Little Match Girl (2002)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Time Of Dog & Wolf

I have so many to review but can't figure out which one should I start first so I make it easy with choosing this one...great drama...something that gave us a different view especially on LJK...since he always refered as a beautiful man than women...well I think he can be tough too ^___^


After his mother gets brutally killed by the Thai criminal syndicate, Cheongbang, Lee Soo-hyun (Lee Jun ki) gets adopted into NIS agent Jungho's family. Together with Kang Min-ki (Jung Kyungho), Jungho's son, Soo-hyun becomes an NIS agent. Suhyeon had met Seo Ji-woo (Nam Sangmi) when they were younger and later has another fateful encounter with her. Together they make promises for the future. However, one day, Soo-hyun leaves for an operation dealing with the Cheongbang, only to return in failure because of the resurfacing of terrible memories when he was in Thailand previously. The chief of NIS agents, Jeong, proposes to the distraught Soo-hyun to infilitrate the Cheongbang. So, through Chief Jeong's proposition, Soo-hyun becomes an undercover NIS agent. Thoroughly hiding his past, Soo-hyun infiltrates the Cheongbang with revenge on his mind. Under the pseudo-name of Kay, he passes through the backstreets of Bangkok…

Lee Soo-hyun (Kay) – Actor Lee Jun Ki

An NIS agent. Underneath his quiet demeanor, he has a violent temper. At a young age, he lost his mother when she was killed by Mao, a Triad gang member. NIS Agent Kang Joong-ho adopted him and raised him with his son Min-ki. After learning that Mao became a Triad boss, he infiltrates the gang as an undercover agent. He assumes a new name, Kay, and goes on a rampage as a gangster to gain the trust of his gang.

Kang Min-ki – Actor Chong Kyung-Ho

An NIS agent. He's a very competitive person behind his easy-going smile. As the son of NIS Chief Agent Kang Joong-ho, he grew up with Soo-hyun like brothers. After becoming an NIS agent like his father who, he admires the most in the world, he gets involved in a love triangle with Soo-hyun and finds himself competing against him at the agency. When Soo-hyun leaves the agency, he confesses his love to Ji-woo and they become lovers. 

Seo Ji-woo – Actress Nam Sang-mi

An art director. She has a bright personality and is very considerate to other people. She's honest about her feelings. After meeting her childhood friend Soo-hyun one day, they begin dating. But then Soo-hyun leaves her suddenly. She becomes Min-ki's girlfriend after that and while she was getting over her painful breakup with Soo-hyun, she meets "Kay."

Finally it comes to an end...well when I told my friends about LJK new drama they got so excited but then they mumbled it was not their type or kind of I just shut them out and saying stop being so sentimentle...I know that's not nice hehehe...

Actually it was a good drama...well kind of slow at the early show...but it's ok those kids know how to act anyway...and when the show continue it's getting better...glad that I'm not so choosy when watching drama or I have no problem watching an action movie or long as the storyline is great than it's ok with me...

To tell the's better than other drama huhuhu...CP is great but this one is greatest...why? because they have something to tell the shoot was great the cast was better...the acting is even better...well Gong Yoo is hot that's no doubt but have you ever seen LJK being so hot? hehehe 

This drama make my heart stop beating...well I guess maybe I didn't realize that my heart is jumping out of my chest while watching this drama hahaha...

Until then have a great day!!

Credit to:

One Fine Day

I Just realized that I haven't put any review on this drama...actually I already wrote it...but I place it at my ither here is the review...

One fine day is a drama which is involved around 4 people( but the main character that I really wanna know about is only 2 hehehe)'s another siblings love story but why care, all I know is that Gong Yoo is damn hot

Seo Gun - a guy who live faraway from Korea doing everything including cheating to everyone that he care...but deep down inside him he felt empty and still waiting for the moment where he can finally keep his promise to the one he love...the promise that he made 15 years years ago.

Seo Haneul - Gun might be the best liar in the world but Haneul could be the best among the 2 of as Park Hae Won for 15 years...pretending to be happy in a wealthy family...she could pretend to be whatever she one know the this tough lady is actually so weak inside...she believe no one but the one she love...

Hyo Joo - Growing up with lot of love from 3 guys...her dad, brother and Gun. Always refer Gun as her lover even that she knows Gun always refer her as a weak person she actually has the strong heart...

Kim Dong Ho - He's a guy that full with sense of humor, he actually a person who lost in his own world and love...until he met Haneul and fall in love again. Got an interesting character...

Love that involved around them is not as easy as it may seem...know what they feel but all that they have done is protecting each other until they got tired and let it out and face the feeling that they have hide and all they really need is time and each other...

All that I hope from this drama is a good ending...I think the ending is kind of too simple well korean drama always do that...the happy part will come so short but the sad part is longer huhuhu...

Over The Rainbow

My friend ask me why I didn't make a review on this tell the truth actually I've been bz with the latest drama all around me...and untill now I haven't finish watching this...but for my beloved friend...this is for you...something that not came out from my own thought coz I have no idea what the storyline is...I'll watch it and tell what I think later...


Concept: Stardom is youth’s perpetual pursuit

The bright and dark side of the world of stars is dramatically captured in this drama by giving a realistic depiction of singer-wannabes ambition and their dash for stardom.

A story about the painstaking work it takes to become a popular singer,
the intrigues and betrayals arising from constant meetings and partings,
and heartbreaking love that blooms amidst all that.
It presents viewers with a glimpse of a life that burns like a flame.

Kwon Hyeok-ju (Lives and dies for pride and loyalty. Without them, he’s nothing.) played by Ji Hyeon-woo

Very proud and clear about what he likes and what he doesn't, Hyeok-ju is stubborn as a mule. When he decides that he wants something, there's nothing that can stop him. To put it nicely, he's straightforward and to put it not so nicely, he's a simpleton. He was good with his studies until his elementary school years. However, because of his innate personality, he couldn't help but pay back those who beat up his friends and confront anyone who provoked him, and before he realized, he ends up becoming the biggest bully on the block who even gets recruiting offers from "brothers" of crime organizations. But when Hyeok-ju forcibly got on the stage for a "Youth Dance Contest" as a punishment for some trouble he caused, he received explosive cheers and attention for the first time in his life after having been treated as a mere headache for so long. It was a moment that lifted his heart and made him see that there was another way to achieve a cool, short yet impressive life other than becoming a member of an organized crime syndicate. A few days later, at the scheduled interview with the brothers of a crime organization, he drops a bomb.

"Brothers! I want to become a singer!!"
Since that day, he devotes all his energy to nothing but dancing. And one day, he has a fateful encounter with Lex...

Ma Sang-mi (Sad face, sadder body! A dauntless girl dreaming of becoming a heroin in a TV drama) played by Seo Ji-hye

She starts conversations with strangers and talks at length about anything that comes to her mind. She likes to poke her nose into other people's business but gets no thanks in return. She couldn't care less about self-respect. She just forgets whatever that hurt her feelings. Or just takes it as she wants... Being witty and cunning, she always keeps coming up with a new idea and acts on it. She's so hyperactive that she can't sit still for a minute. She tells lies with the most innocent look in the world on her face. Don't fall for that naïve look, or you will regret it big time. Hotheaded, she will knock the bottom out of everything and say whatever is on her mind when she thinks she has put up with enough. She gets pretty scary at a time like that. She turns into the Hulk. Ever since she was young, she would escape to the world of imagination whenever she was troubled. She wanted to become the girl in A Little Princess, and after realizing that it was impossibility, she then dreamed of meeting Daddy Long Legs, and the same pattern ensued for virtually every character in comic books and TV shows. And one day, she sets her mind on something.
Be a star!! Or become a star's girl friend!! Why can't she be one when others can?
And one day, it really happens!
Is her dream coming true, at last?

Lex (A genius musician with a fan club of nearly 100,000 members) played by Hwan-Hee

Lex is a singer with boyish good looks and outstanding talent, and is the biggest asset to Pride Ent., an entertainment agency. He’s got perfect pitch and is a natural dancer, too, for he can repeat any choreography that he has seen just once. Having a volatile personality, he is the nicest person in the whole world when he is in good mood but no one can stop him when he gets cross. He hurts others’ feelings with sarcastic and mean remarks, and even gets violent, smashing everything around him. He wasn’t like that when he was an aspiring singer but as his first album became a huge hit and the second album followed suit, his temper has grown only worse.

He is a smooth operator, seducing girls who he thinks meets his standards. But when the girl completely falls for him, he suddenly loses all interest and dumps her. He is only attracted to girls who consistently show no interest in him. And what happens if a girl does leave him? He gets hurt in his own way, thinking that her love for him wasn’t absolute after all. In a nutshell, he’s trapped in a vicious cycle of love.
Then one day, he meets a girl who throws a sharp dagger at his heart by turning her back on a star who’s got 100,000 fans as if to demonstrate her complete disinterest in him.
Her name is Hee-su… And Lex is interested.

Jeong Hee-su (Has a passionate soul!) played by Kim Ok-bin

Born with stunning looks, great talent and a passionate soul, Hee-su is cheerful and always smiling, yet she’s got a strong charisma that makes it impossible for others to mistreat her. A girl with huge talent and bravery, she is quite sure of herself in everything she does and is clear about her likes and dislikes. She spent her teenage years quarreling with her stubborn, conservative parents. She would lie that she was going out for missionary work when she was actually going out to dance the night away with her African-American friends on the street.
One day, after hearing that representatives from Pride Ent, a Korean entertainment agency, were going to attend a dance festival in search of new members of a music group, she begins practicing very hard. She almost makes it to the stage when she gets caught by her father, and is dragged home and gets locked up in her room. That night, she gets beaten up by her father within an inch of her life, and is informed that she will be transferring to a boarding school. That night that she packs her stuff and leaves home with a calm look on her face. She has nothing left in a house that stops her from realizing her potential. She boards a plane bound for Korea with nothing but a business card she got from an agent in her hand.

* Hyeok-ju’s family*

Kwon Sang-bok played by Im Ha-ryong

Hyeok-ju's father is full of hot air. When he sets his mind on something, he goes all the way with it till the end. When he was selected at a cabaret's stage audition that he didn't think much of at first, the thirty-something man became confident of his talent and started knocking on doors of recording companies to make his "debut album" in earnest. But he wasn't so lucky with other auditions and in most cases, he didn't even get a chance to audition. Dubious record labels swindled him out of his money, asking for down payment for the album they promised to produce for him. Before he knew it, he sold off the rice paddies and fields back in his country hometown and his parents passed away due to an illness caused by severe anger and frustration. Nevertheless, time kept passing him by and he now finds himself in his 50s, being the head of his family.
If other people of his age can become successful singers, why can't he?
"Becoming a singer," or rather, releasing just one album! His self-respect will not allow him to give up that dream.

Lee Mi-ja played by Kim Hye-ok

Hyeok-ju's mother Mi-ja is a tough woman who practically raised Hyeok-ju and Ji-hye all by herself, while paying off the debt her husband piled up, pursuing what was only useless. With her frequent swearing and smack on the backs of her children, she seems ill tempered, but she is by no means a hardhearted person. She always ends up letting her children do whatever they want, pretending that she can't win them. Though she always gives a hard time to her husband for having wasted the family's fortune away on affairs with other women and a futile pursuit of making a music album, she is wise enough to let her husband have full authority at critical moments.

Kwon Ji-hye played by Na Hye-mi

Hyeok-ju's sister who is a year younger than him, Ji-hye is a model student who has maintained good grades at school, very much unlike her brother. Hyeok-ju and Ji-hye have been cat and dog from childhood. When they quarrel, Hyeok-ju is no match for her because she has a glib tongue, clear logic and a hot temper as well. Believing she is much smarter and more mature than most kids her age, she consistently ignores and disregards Hyeok-ju's "gang" who swarms about here and there to dance.
Then, as if hit by lightening, she gets a crush on Brother Gas, a beefy, masculine guy who was working without his shirt, on a hot summer day.

*Hyeok-ju's Friends*

Oh Young-dal played by Shin Hyeon-tak

Though naive and good-natured, he is a simpleton with hot air and is a bit of a show-off. He is good at fighting but he doesn't pick a fight recklessly, and his skills aren't that impressive in the first place. He places the highest value on friendship and loyalty. Despite being stingy, he never hesitates to use his emergency funds to treat Hyeok-ju to meals when he became a dancer, or to buy him a few drinks when Hyeok-ju comes back after giving up on his dream. He is very proud of Hyeok-ju and has strong faith in him.

Choi Gyu-ho (a.k.a King Mart) played by Choi Kwon

He had the whole world when he was in elementary school. His father ran a hotel with spa facilities and had many real estate properties. At one of the sites his father owned, he couldn't even see the end of the land. His father was a real estate tycoon.
He was the center of the universe, back then. But when his father's acquisition of another hotel went wrong, leading to his bankruptcy, Gyu-ho's grades started to fall and his personality became increasingly twisted. His pride of having been a wealthy kid once is what troubles him even today. Currently, he runs King Mart, the biggest supermarket in the vicinity of Hyeok-ju's school. 

Kim Won-gyeong (a.k.a Smarty) played by Now

Good-natured and sincere, smart and affable, Won-gyeong is a perfectionist who has to complete what he has started and punishes himself if he makes even a minor mistake by going into a closet and banging his head against the wall. He has been an obedient son since he was a little boy, but he got so fascinated by the world of dancing, which his friend introduced him to during his junior high school days, he ditched his studies and went to learn how to dance. During high school, he was preoccupied with the school's dancing club, so he attended school only halfheartedly and barely managed to graduate, after which he got himself an audition and was hired as a backup dancer of Pride Ent. That's when he met Hyeok-ju whom he began looking up to as his idol.
He was impressed by Hyeok-ju's warm and caring personality, who simply says, "What? Dude."
Since Hyeok-ju's debut as a solo artist, the two share each other’s ups and downs. 

Man-jong played by Poppin Hyeon-joon

A legendary underground dancer, who was once a member of Moonlight. He is the "real McCoy" that has both outstanding dancing skills and loyalty.
As the leader of Gangster, a music group, he gives emotional support to his group members.

Credit Synopsis to:

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I've skip many movie and drama so many times...sometimes I even forgot to put a review about some movie in this many things to catch with so sometimes those movie or drama that I've update seems out dated...and again do I care? nope...I love doing this, so why should I care with something like that...So another movie that I skip is ARANG...

Arang is another horror movie from first I thought it was about a cop catching some criminals but to my surprise it was a horror movie...hmmm and this is the first time I really look at Song Yoon-ah...I think she look great in this movie, her character was kind of interesting here...and Lee Dong Wook look good as always...

So-young is a veteran detective who have bad temper but good working nature...she was  team up with a new and young rookie partner Hyun-gi. So-young and Hyun-gi started their investigation on a homicide cases...despite of Hyun-gi goofing and fooling around and distracting So young, Hyun-gi actually let So-young sense that something is wrong in the cases and find out that each cases was related to each other...

So-young had build a lot of interest on the cases and figure out that all the victims was connected to the girl who was missing 10 years this point, So-young was plague with a nightmare in which the girls has appears and the seriel killer keep continue...

what I like about it was the effect that they have shown here...and some sort of explaination from the science point of view...that was kind of cool...feel like watching CSI too...well at least they make sence on that coz a cop doesn't supposed to believe 100% on ghost...they need some evidence other then something supernatural...

*Moved From according to date.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hanoi Bride

I think if it was a serial drama...the conflict might get deeper and thank God it wasn't a drama coz I can't stand suffering thinking and feeling sad for the character...

The best part of this movie...of coz Lee Dong Wook hahaha...ok it's not that but the scenery...I like it in Vietnam or Korea I just like it...about the movie was quite interesting...and Kim Ok-bin was excellant in here too...that what I think...maybe some people especially viatnemese would argue about the way she speak...can't blame her anyway...but still for me she do it better...I don't know if she really show us the typical viatnamese lady but I guess she did show a charachter that have some tough side...almost every girl out there are like that it Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese...most of the girl would only love to show the soft spot hehehe..until something happened...there you go...guyz have to accept that ladies is tough too Big Smile.

Maybe because the writer have to make it into 2 series only so some part were not explained properly...but still u can understand what exactly they were trying to show...but of coz I have to complaint too hehehe...some part just not right...Ly Thi Vu (kim Ok-bin) sister does not agree with her relationship with Park Eun-woo(Lee Dong wook) just because Park Eun-woo is Korean...but when Ly Thi Vu live with an axcuse to get marry with some Korean man who she don't even know why does she agreed? 

Well I have nothing much to matter what, it was good in some part and lack in some part but still ok for me...

*Moved from according to the date.

Spring Waltz

Hmmm...I'm supposed to say this is a good's only that the storyline is kind of slow but yet good...At last Yoon Suk ho's 4 seasons drama have reach the final. To tell the truth I only watch Winter Sonata and this...the other two...err...I'll think 100 times to watch it...not because it wasn't good but I think I can't accept why do I watch this then? thanks to my brother who bought it for show him that I'm so thankful that he bought it...I need to watch it...and make sure that I talk about it once in a moment...hahaha

What make this drama interesting is the cinematograpy...the theme songs...and the kids. I think out of all I am impress with the young Su-ho/Jae Ha...he makes me wanna watch it...and then I realized this kid have a real talent...he even act better that the other actors... seriously... they need to learn something from this boy.

I like the scene where adult Su-ho/Jae Ha(Seo Doyoung) first met Eun Young(Han Hyoo joo) in the train... their expression kind of cute there... well they both look cute together anyway... it just that their character does not suit with the young one... maybe a little but still something is missing there...

Other than that I realize that the camera was conquered by Philip (Daniel Henney)... well his good looking... sweet...bright... and yes I like him hahaha but I just can't help notice that there is more of Philip than Jae Ha... I wonder why..Well, at least Daniel did speak a lot of korean that's impressed me too...coz I hate that he speak english in Seducing Mr. Perfect (well he should at least speak korean right?)... and his acting become more perfect too....

Song Lee Na (Lee So yon), I wonder why her... coz she look a little bit older than the rest... It will be ok if they have different ages but the thing is they don't... so that look just don't really suit her...maybe she have to change the way she dress...maybe she shouldn't wear the glasses...that glasses makes her look even older...

Huh...what more can I say...It just nice.

"For lovers, the best house is the one built out of each other’s love.”

*Moved from according to the date.